2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Theatre (THR)

THR-1100: Introduction to Theater (3 hours)

Understanding and appreciation of theater as an art form. Field Trip: Required. Fee: Required. IAI: F1907.

THR-2140: Theatre Production I (1 hour)

Involvement in main stage theatre productions as an actor in a minor role, tech crew member or other minor position, which begins with tech week. Prerequisite: Artistic Director of Theatre consent. One hour of Theatre Production I and/or Theatre Production II applied to a Theater minor. May be repeated up to 6 times; practicum and THR internship combined credits not to exceed 15 credit hours maximum.

THR-2141: Theatre Production II (1.5 hours)

Involvement in main stage theatre productions as an actor in a major role, tech crew head, designer, stage manager or other major position in a theatrical production beginning at or before first week of production. Prerequisite: Artistic Director of Theatre consent. One hour of Theatre Production I and/or Theatre Production II applied to a Theater minor. May be repeated up to six times; practicum and THR internship combined credits not to exceed 15 credit hours maximum.

THR-2200: Acting 1 (3 hours)

An introductory course intended to introduce the student to performance on the stage.

THR-4210: Contemporary Theater (3 hours)

Theatrical trends of the past two decades as seen through scripts and play productions. Attendance at area plays; student is responsible for ticket cost. Fee: Required. Cross-Listed: ENG-4620.

THR-4304: Directing (3 hours)

Introduces the student to directing for the stage. Prerequisite: C or higher in THR-1100 and THR-2200.

THR-4310: Directing a One-Act Play (3 hours)

Selection and production of a one-act play under supervision. Prerequisite: C or higher in THR-4304 and department consent.

THR-4400: Stagecraft (3 hours)

Intended to familiarize the student with the broad technical aspects of theatre, this class will focus on stage safety, set-construction techniques, scenic painting techniques, special effects, lighting, wiring and rigging. Fee: Required.

THR-4700: Playwriting (3 hours)

The art of dramatic writing for the stage. Turning personal and creative narratives into performable scripts with production in mind. Learning the major parts of a well-constructed play including: effective exposition, plot as event, character development and theatrical writing. Cross-Listed: ENG-4700.

THR-4910: Topics in Theater (3 hours)

Selected current topics in theater as they relate to various settings. Topics vary each time the course is taught. Past topics include: Business of Theater, Stage Combat and improvisation. A maximum of six semester hours may be applied to a theater program.

THR-4950: Independent Study in Theater (1-6 hours)

THR-4980: Senior Project (3 hours)

Independent work under the mentoring of a faculty member to synthesize and apply learning within the major. Required of all theater majors and theater arts administration majors who have not taken Upper Division Performance Seminar and are at a senior standing. Project must be approved by the department.

THR-4985: Upper Division Performance Seminar (3 hours)

Research-based performance experience, required of all Junior or Senior theater majors not enrolled in Senior Project. Seminar entrance must be approved by department. Topics will vary by year. Fee: Required.

THR-4990: Internship in Theater (12 hours)

Supervised involvement in a theater work-related experience. Open to theater majors and minors and theater arts administration majors (B.A.) who have a Junior or Senior standing and approval of the department. A maximum of 3 credit hours may be applied to a theater major or minor. Theatre Production I, Theatre Production II and internship combined credits not to exceed 15 hours credit hours maximum.