2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Organizational Management (OMP)

OMP-4000: Group and Organizational Dynamics (3 hours)

Small group communication, dealing with positive feedback, principles of small discussions. Project planning, managing people, small group participation, re-engineering organizations. Understanding interpersonal communications, brainstorming process, decision-making and conflict resolution, and diagnosing group effectiveness.

OMP-4020: Systems Approach to Organizational Change (3 hours)

Nature and meaning of systems, boundaries and environments, mission statements, organizational structures, relationships, rewards, power and procedures. Diagnosing problems in organizations. Preparing for, implementing and managing change.

OMP-4236: Research Design and Methodology (3 hours)

This course provides an overview of research methodology. Students will identify a well-researched problem or solution. Students will develop a research proposal.

OMP-4240: Organizational Communication (3 hours)

Importance of communication in organizations. Effective communication in organizations. Developing and delivering effective interpersonal communication. Team-building, conflict resolution and problem solving, communication and organizational culture, communication to and within groups.

OMP-4700: Senior Project (3 hours)

The Senior Project is the Accelerated Degree Program capstone. This course is an intensive, process-oriented, active learning project through which students apply learning acquired through all major coursework. Designing and developing the Senior Project requires students to follow a problem from recognition to providing a well-researched solution or from the development of an opportunity to a well-researched action plan. Students are required to complete a comprehensive document and present their findings. Prerequisite: C or higher in OMP-4236. Cross-listed with HCMP-4700.

OMP-4910: Special Topics: Organizational Management (3 hours)

An in-depth study of a topic relevant to a current topic in the discipline or a topic of interest that is not addressed in other departmental courses. The course may be repeated for credit so long as the topic is different.