CED-6005: Fundamentals of School Counseling (3 hours)
In this course candidates examine the profession of school counseling with an overview of the philosophy, history, theory, roles, and current trends and issues specific to school counseling and education. It also investigates national models and standards for P-12 school counseling programs. Candidates will explore the purpose of professional organizations and significance of research and scholarly publications. Emphasized are the certifications and licensing for all roles and functions of counselors in various settings. The course will also include a general overview of ethical and legal issues related to counseling and reflect on the importance of advocating for students from diverse contexts. Fee: Required.
CED-6010: Counseling Theory And Practice (3 hours)
This course provides an in-depth examination of major counseling theories, their historical development, and their application in diverse settings. Students will explore foundational approaches such as psychoanalytic, behavioral, humanistic, and cognitive theories, as well as contemporary perspectives like solution-focused, narrative, and multicultural counseling models. Emphasis will be placed on integrating theoretical concepts with practical counseling techniques to develop a personal comprehensive framework for effective change with various populations.
CED-6015: Counseling Intervention and Techniques (3 hours)
This course addresses the competencies, attitudes, and skills essential to developing the character and identity of a professional counselor. Foundational and advanced counseling skills and therapeutic interventions examined as they apply to the personal, social and academic realms. Counseling techniques from the major schools and orientations including crisis intervention, multicultural and ethical issues. This course will use role-playing and videotaping to fortify burgeoning skills and interventions.
CED-6035: Counseling and Human Development (3 hours)
Students are provided with an understanding of the nature and needs of persons throughout the lifespan including developmental and multicultural domains. Counseling approaches and issues are discussed in relation to developmental stages. Resiliency factors and ethical issues are applied across the lifespan.
CED-6045: Ethics, Law and Morality for Counselors (3 hours)
This course addresses the competencies, attitudes, and skills essential to developing the character and identity of a professional counselor. This course is designed to give the student an understanding of ethics and applicable laws in the profession of counseling as well as allowing them to examine their own moral values.
CED-6055: Multicultural Counseling (3 hours)
This course is designed to equip school counselors with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively work with culturally diverse student populations within educational and community settings with special emphasis on understanding the cultural context of relationships, issues, and trends in multicultural counseling. Recognizing the importance of cultural competence in counseling practice, this course explores various aspects of multicultural counseling, including theories, concepts, and practical applications.
CED-6210: School Counseling Program Development and Organization (3 hours)
Examination of the role and function of the school counselor in a comprehensive school counseling program. Emphasis on developmental counseling and the components of an effective developmental school counseling program. Discussion of school counseling, historical roots, present and future trends. Role of counseling in total education program.
CED-6220: Counseling and Consulting in Schools (3 hours)
Counseling and consulting strategies used by counselors in the school setting for academic, career and personal/social issues. Examination of specific problems of children and adolescents.
CED-6225: College Counseling: Preparation, Planning and Admission (3 hours)
Addresses the college counseling role of the high school counselor. College admission counseling, ethical considerations, research on college choice, and operation and responsibilities within a high school college counseling office. Culturally responsive college counseling and special populations.
CED-6230: Evaluation and Research (3 hours)
This course provides candidates with a comprehensive understanding of research methods and evaluation techniques relevant to the field of counseling and school counseling. Through theoretical exploration, practical application, and hands-on experience, candidates will develop the skills necessary to critically evaluate counseling interventions, assess client outcomes, and contribute to the evidence base of effective counseling practice. Candidates will explore ethical guidelines and cultural considerations relevant to counseling research and evaluation. Throughout the course, candidates will engage in hands-on activities, literature reviews, research projects, and critical discussions to apply research concepts and methodologies to real-world counseling scenarios.
CED-6240: Group Work in Schools (3 hours)
This course will provide an understanding, both theoretical and experiential, of school counseling groups for grades K-12. The purpose, development, dynamics, theories, methods, skills, ethics, and other group approaches in a multicultural society will be covered. Students will experience and participate as group members in small group activities.
CED-6250: Fundamentals of Assessment (3 hours)
This course provides an exploration of assessment techniques and tools used in counseling practice. Students will learn the principles of psychological measurement, including reliability, validity, and standardization, as well as the ethical considerations involved in assessment. The course emphasizes the selection, administration, interpretation, and integration of various assessments, including personality inventories, aptitude tests, achievement tests, and diagnostic tools used in school counseling and clinical mental health counseling. Practical application through case studies and simulated practice will prepare students to use assessment data effectively to inform counseling interventions and treatment planning.
CED-6260: Career Counseling for School Counselors (3 hours)
This course provides students with an in-depth understanding of theories, techniques, and practical skills necessary for effective career counseling in school settings. Emphasis is placed on helping individuals explore career options, make informed decisions and develop strategies to achieve their career goals. Topics include vocational assessment, career development theories, counseling interventions, ethical considerations, and cultural factors influencing career choices.
CED-6340: Clinical Group Counseling (3 hours)
Will provide an understanding, both theoretical and experiential, of group purpose, development, dynamics, theories, methods, skills, ethics and other group approaches in a multicultural society. Students will experience and participate as group members in small group activities.
CED-6350: Brief Therapy (3 hours)
Identification and application of brief therapy models to a variety of disorders with individuals, groups and families. Develop an understanding of techniques, assessment instruments and ethical issues. Issues and models of crisis intervention. Prerequisite: B or higher in CED-6010.
CED-6890: Reading Methods and Bilingual Education for School Support Personnel (3 hours)
This course introduces students to approaches in reading development and instructional strategies for English Learners to candidates pursuing careers as school support personnel for K-12 settings. Candidates will understand how student of different ages acquire reading competency, and how deficits and reading levels contribute to students ability to succeed in schools. The correlation between behavior and classroom management supportive of reading development and acquistition is researched. Various approaches used with students learning English as a second language is emphasized.
CED-6920: Practicum: School Counseling (3 hours)
On-site and campus-based experiences in school counseling designed to introduce the student to the various functions of school counseling. Students should consult the School Counseling Practicum and Internship manual for additional information and requirements. Prerequisite: B or higher in all required coursework or advisor consent. Fee: Required.
CED-6928: Internship: School Counseling I (3 hours)
This is a two-semester clinical school internship that meets the requirement for the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), School Counselor endorsement, and the CUC capstone requirement for candidates without a standard teaching certificate in the state of Illinois and candidates with a standard teaching certificate in the state of Illinois seeking the additional LPC licensure. Supervised individual and group work experiences in PK-12 and clinical settings appropriate to the program are required for 300 internship hours per semester (total 600 for the year). A classroom seminar component meeting is also required. Prerequisite: B or higher in CED-6920.
CED-6929: Internship: School Counseling II (3 hours)
This is a two-semester clinical school internship that meets the requirement for the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), School Counselor endorsement, and the CUC capstone requirement for candidates without a standard teaching certificate in the state of Illinois and candidates with a standard teaching certificate in the state of Illinois seeking the additional LPC licensure. Supervised individual and group work experiences in PK-12 and clinical settings appropriate to the program are required for 300 internship hours per semester (total 600 for the year). A classroom seminar component meeting is also required. Prerequisite: B or higher in CED-6920.
CED-6950: Independent Study in Counselor Education (1-6 hours)