2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities who want to request accommodations in the classroom should contact CULearn, in the Christopher Center Resource Center. Students must complete the application process, including submitting the Application for Accommodations and documentation of the disability(ies) completed by their doctor or appropriate licensed healthcare professional. The application process includes participating in an interactive interview with CULearn Support Coordinator to determine which accommodations are appropriate and reasonable. All requests for accommodations are handled on a case-by-case basis. Once a student is approved for ADA accommodations, CULearn will communicate that approval to the student’s current professors by emailing an Accommodation Letter stating which accommodations the student is eligible for. For subsequent classes or terms, the student must contact  CULearn to request that new professors be sent an Accommodation Letter. Accommodation Letters are not emailed to the instructor until the student specifically requests that. The student is responsible for maintaining ongoing communication with CULearn and with their instructors regarding the implementation of the student’s accommodations. Refer to CULearn page for more information. here