2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Sports Recreation Management Program (SRMP)

SRMP-2000: Introduction to Sports and Recreation Management (3 hours)

Overview of the primary principles and practices, theories and concepts of sports and recreation administration and program development.

SRMP-2020: Social and Historical Foundations of Sport and Leisure (3 hours)

A topical study of the social and historical significance of sport and leisure in human history ranging from Greco-Roman history through the present; examination of the role and influence of sport in major social and cultural developments.

SRMP-2030: Fitness and Wellness (3 hours)

A study of health-related fitness and wellness plans; the National Health Objectives; health and physical fitness standards; setting nutrition, dietary and fitness goals; evaluating fitness activities, fitness self-assessment. Cross-Listed: KIN-3000.

SRMP-3010: Introduction to Facilities and Events Management (3 hours)

Introductory consideration of facilities and events management issues such as event scheduling, finance and profitability, personnel and equipment oversight as well as liability and risk management concerns in sports and recreation settings.

SRMP-3100: Sports & Recreation Marketing (3 hours)

The Sports and Recreation Marketing course includes brand marketing, pricing, sales, sponsorship marketing, promotions, and electronic media marketing in collegiate and professional sports and recreation environments.

SRMP-4700: Senior Project (4 hours)

The Senior Project is the Accelerated Degree Program capstone. This course is an intensive, process-oriented, active learning project through which students apply learning acquired through all major coursework. Designing and developing the Senior Project requires students to follow a problem from recognition to providing a well-researched solution or from the development of an opportunity to a well-researched action plan. Students are required to complete a comprehensive document and present their findings. Prerequisite: C or higher in OMP-4236.

SRMP-4800: Sports and Recreation Management Capstone (4 hours)

Students will prepare a dynamic professional portfolio. The portfolio may include work experiences, class projects, professional development, and personal experiences highlighting the student’s knowledge, skills and qualities relative to current industry needs and the job market.

SRMP-4910: Special Topics: Sports Recreation Management (3 hours)

An in-depth study of a topic relevant to a current topic in the discipline or a topic of interest that is not addressed in other departmental courses. The course may be repeated for credit so long as the topic is different.