SPA-1111: Elementary Spanish I (4 hours)
Introduction to grammar, oral expression, short reading selections, and fundamentals of writing. Audio and video language tape supplements are used. Not open to students with 2 or more years of high school or 1 more years of college Spanish.
SPA-1112: Elementary Spanish II (4 hours)
Functional review and further study of grammar, intensive oral practice, and comprehension through selected readings. Prerequisite: SPA-1111 or two high school years of Spanish.
SPA-2113: Intermediate Spanish I (4 hours)
Functional review and further study of grammar, intensive oral practice and comprehension through selected readings. Emphasis on oral expression and further stress on grammar and syntax. Practice in basic composition. Prerequisite: C or higher in SPA-1112 or equivalent or two years of high school Spanish.
SPA-2114: Intermediate Spanish II (3 hours)
A continuation of SPA-2113. Intensive oral practice and comprehension through selected readings. Emphasis on oral expression and further stress on grammar and syntax. Practice in basic composition. Prerequisite: C or higher in SPA-2113 or three years high school Spanish. IAI: H1900.
SPA-3010: Advanced Spanish Conversation and Composition (3 hours)
Development of writing skills with emphasis on aspects of syntax, idioms and idiomatic expressions. Emphasis on oral expression with a review of grammar with explanation of and practice with more difficult structural points. Prerequisite: C or higher in SPA-2114 or its equivalent or permission of instructor.
SPA-3020: Introduction to Spanish Literature (3 hours)
Review of genre and literary terminology. Reading for analysis, while continuing to work on productive skills in language. Course conducted in Spanish. Prerequisite: C- or higher in SPA-3010 or equivalent. IAI: H3 916.
SPA-4000: Intro to Hispanic Linguistics (3 hours)
Introduction to the linguistic analysis of Spanish, including morphology, syntax, dialectology, history of the language, language acquisition and sociolinguistic variation. Prerequisite: C or higher in SPA-3020 or equivalent or instructor consent.
SPA-4100: Latin American Cultures and Civilization (3 hours)
History of Latin America from pre-Columbian culture to the present day, examining landmark political events in society, literature and the arts. Course conducted in Spanish. Prerequisite: C or higher in SPA-3010 or equivalent.
SPA-4110: Studies in Latin American Literature (3 hours)
Representative Latin American authors, with special attention given to historical and social events. Course conducted in Spanish. Prerequisite: C or higher in SPA-3020 or equivalent.
SPA-4115: Latin American Short Stories (3 hours)
Representative works of the major Latin American short story writers. Course conducted in Spanish. Prerequisite: C or higher in SPA-3020.
SPA-4200: Ecclesiastical Spanish (3 hours)
The primary texts, basic teachings, ethics, ritual practices and history of Christianity, the predominant religion of the Hispanic peoples. Course conducted in Spanish. Prerequisite: C or higher in SPA-3020 or equivalent.
SPA-4210: Hispanic Cultures in the United States (3 hours)
History of Hispanic immigration. Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican and other Latin American cultures in the United States, through literature, history and media sources. Course conducted in Spanish. Field Trip: Required. Prerequisite: C or higher in SPA-3010 or equivalent.
SPA-4300: Studies in Spanish Literature (3 hours)
Study of representative literary works, with an emphasis on the manner in which they reflect the historical, social and cultural events and reality of Spain. Course conducted in Spanish. Prerequisite: C or higher in SPA-3020 or equivalent.
SPA-4910: Special Topics: Spanish (3-4 hours)
In-depth exploration of a topic of cultural, literary, or linguistic relevance to the Spanish language, taught entirely in Spanish. The topic may vary each time the course is offered. This course can be repeated when the topic is different. Consent of instructor or CUC Spanish Program Leader required to enroll.
SPA-4950: Independent Study in Spanish (1-6 hours)