2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Social Work (SOW)

SOW-4000: Introduction to Social Work (3 hours)

An orientation to the field of social welfare and the profession of social work, with emphasis on the service role of the social worker. Overview of the historical and philosophical perspectives of the profession, relevant social issues and current trends in service. Field Trip: Required.

SOW-4110: Social Work Values and Ethics (3 hours)

Develop knowledge and understanding of ethical and legal values. Acquire skill in using principles and frameworks for analysis of issues and decision-making. Prerequisite: Social Work Candidacy Eligibility.

SOW-4200: Social Welfare Policies and Services (3 hours)

Identification, examination and evaluation of social problems, welfare policies and service delivery systems from several perspectives. Field Trip: Required. Prerequisite: C or higher in SOW-4000. Prerequisite: Social Work Candidacy Eligibility.

SOW-4210: Cultural Sensitivity in Social Work Practice (3 hours)

This course provides the knowledge and skills necessary to identify and work with populations experiencing oppression and discrimination. This course examines perspectives and information related to multiple dimensions, including race, disability, age, gender, religion and sexual orientation and provides entry-level skill development in applying cultural sensitivity to work with clients. Prerequisite: Social Work Candidacy Eligibility.

SOW-4300: Professional Development and Leadership in Social Work (3 hours)

Addresses topics fundamental to leadership and professional development within the field of social work. Examines theoretical perspectives as well as practice behaviors related to social work leadership and professionalism. Prerequisite: Social Work Candidacy Eligibility.

SOW-4310: Loss and Mourning (3 hours)

Examination of the various kinds of losses experienced over the course of the life cycle, considering the physical, emotional, social and spiritual dimensions; grief reaction and the mourning process. Discussion of skills and strategies for counseling and support.

SOW-4320: Human Behavior in the Social Environment I (3 hours)

A basic framework for identifying individual human development throughout the life cycle. Principles and terminology of empirically based theories related to the life cycle, from conception to old age. Emphasis is placed on intervention strategies that attempt to resolve problems at each developmental stage. Prerequisite: C or higher in SOW-4000 and Social Work Candidacy Eligibility.

SOW-4325: Human Behavior in the Social Environment II (3 hours)

Continuation of SOW-4320 and further identifies human behavior within the context of social systems. Principles of development and terminology related to systems theory is emphasized as a means to identifying how individuals function within larger systems, such as families, groups, organizations and communities. Prerequisite: C or higher in SOW-4320 and Social Work Candidacy Eligibility.

SOW-4350: Social Work with Abusive and Addictive Systems (3 hours)

This course will look at the dynamic processes and treatment practices with physical/emotional abuse and drug addiction in individual and family systems.

SOW-4420: Social Work Practice I: Micro-Methods of Intervention (3 hours)

Introduction to social work practice; application of social work theories to intervention with individuals, families, groups and the community. Prerequisite: C or higher in SOW-4000 and Social Work Candidacy Eligibility.

SOW-4430: Social Work Practice II: Mezzo-Methods of Intervention (3 hours)

Skill-building in social work practice; examination of selected client populations and service delivery issues. Prerequisite: C or higher in SOW-4420 and Social Work Candidacy Eligibility.

SOW-4440: Social Work Practice III: Macro-Methods of Intervention (3 hours)

Introduction to the systems/ecological theory and interventions used in providing direct services to diverse populations, communities and organizations. The emphasis of this course is on synthesizing knowledge and skills from ethics, cultural diversity, family and group dynamics and social policy. Prerequisite: C or higher in SOW-4200 and SOW-4430 and Social Work Candidacy Eligibility.

SOW-4510: Social Work with Children and Adolescents (3 hours)

Problems and development of children and adolescents are explored in this course. In-depth study of the child/adolescent in relation to family, peer group, school and work environment.

SOW-4700: Social Work Research Methods (3 hours)

Fundamentals of conceptualizing, developing, implementing and evaluating research process. Ethical standards of scientific inquiry, research designs, sampling methods and quantitative and qualitative methods for knowledge building will be introduced. Prerequisite: Social Work Candidacy Eligibility.

SOW-4911: Special Topics in SOW Practice (3 hours)

Examination of topics of interest for social work practice; application of social work theories to intervention with individuals, families, groups and communities. Topics will vary. This course may be taken twice, with different topics, for a maximum of six (6) semester credit hours. Prerequisite: C or higher in SOW-4000. Replaces: SOW-4910.

SOW-4950: Independent Study in Social Work (1-6 hours)

SOW-4990: Social Work Field Experience (9 hours)

Assigned in-field experience involving professional social work practice activities and responsibilities for a minimum of 420 clock hours. Prerequisite: C or higher in SOW-4440 and Social Work Candidacy Eligibility. Corequisite: SOW-4991.

SOW-4991: Social Work Field Seminar (3 hours)

This course integrates theory, principles and values with actual practice and is taken concurrently with SOW-4990 Social Work Field Experience, relating prior classroom learning as it is applied and using different methods in a variety of fields of practice. Emphasis is placed on students’ evaluating their own professional performance. Prerequisite: Social Work Candidacy Eligibility. Corequisite: SOW-4990.