2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Sports Management & Business (SMB)

SMB-1050: Foundations of Sports Management (3 hours)

This course is an introduction to the theories and concepts of sports management. The topics covered include sports leadership, sports management careers, and the functions within the field that include sports marketing, sports communication, sports facility management, etc. Discussion and case studies will explore current topics on the evolution of esports, fantasy sports, streaming, and artificial intelligence (AI). Topics of sports governance, diversity, and sports budgeting and finance. Replaces: MGT-3300.

SMB-2100: Intercollegiate Athletic Administration of Sport (3 hours)

This course examines the key concepts and skills to become an effective sport administrator at the intercollegiate level, including program promotion, leadership, personal organization, public relations, and risk management.

SMB-2500: Sport Facility and Event Management (3 hours)

This course covers management of facilities and personnel, program development, budget preparation, and application of public relations techniques. Replaces: SRMP-3010. Prerequisite: C or higher in SMB-1050.

SMB-2600: Sport Media Communication (3 hours)

This course provides an examination of the interrelationship between sports and media in today’s society. Content will draw on theories of rhetoric and social criticism by examining the media’s role in telling the story of sports and, in telling that story, shaping, and reinforcing cultural values.

SMB-3100: Diversity of Sport (3 hours)

This course examines an encompassing perspective of diversity within North American and international sport organizations. The course focuses on diversity issues as they relate to race, ethnicity, gender, social class, sexuality, and physical ability/disability.

SMB-3200: Organization and Administration of Sport (3 hours)

This course provides a study of the application of organization theory to the understanding and management of sport organizations. The course addresses management and leadership theories in sport and how they apply to the different aspects of sport. Replaces: MGT-3310. Prerequisite: C or higher in SMB-1050.

SMB-3500: Governance of Sport (3 hours)

This course analyzes the growing spread and development of sport throughout the world, as well as how the governing bodies involved affect the structure, organization, and delivery of sport. Replaces: MGT-3320 and SRMP-2010. Prerequisite: C or higher in SMB-1050 .

SMB-4000: Sports Management Capstone Course (3 hours)

This capstone course represents the culmination of the Sports Management Program. It focuses on designing a sports management project or program that reflects current trends using an integrative systems perspective. The student will demonstrate a working knowledge of accounting, economics, and finance and how these practices are important to a sports organization. The student will use evidence based management practices. Replaces: SRMP-4800. Prerequisite: C or better in SMB-1050. Recommended 12 credit hours of sports management courses prior to taking this course.

SMB-4910: Special Topics: Sports Management & Business (3 hours)

An in-depth study of a topic relevant to a current topic in the discipline or a topic of interest that is not addressed in other departmental courses. The course may be repeated for credit so long as the topic is different.