2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Psychology (PSY)

PSY-1000: General Psychology (3 hours)

Principles of human behavior using a scientific approach to exploring individual differences, personality development, adjustment, emotions, sensory functions and perceptions. Development throughout the lifespan, psychopathology and treatment. Replaces: PSY-2000. IAI:S6900.

PSY-1010: Career Management (1 hour)

Career and life planning assistance. Information about the career management process, how it relates to decisions regarding education and work, and brief introduction to strategies for obtaining part-time, summer, internship or full-time employment.

PSY-1015: Employment Strategies for Arts & Sciences Students (1 hour)

Students will establish goals specific to their transition to full-time work. Strategies to achieve goals include writing, research, communication, new technologies, institutional/association services, salary negotiations, evaluating offers and first-year success.

PSY-1020: Personal Growth & Adjustment (1 hour)

Application of psychological theories to students’ lives. Emphasis on personal growth during emerging adulthood.

PSY-1050: Introduction to Art Therapy (3 hours)

This course provides an introduction to the field of art therapy and other expressive arts where art created is used as a form of psychotherapy. Cross-Listed: ART-1050. Field Trip: May be required. Fee: Required.

PSY-1502: The Mind and the Brain (3 hours)

An overview of the relationship between physiological functions and human behavior. Emphasis on the nervous system and the endocrine system as they relate to sensory processes, motor behavior, learning, memory and behavior disorders. Replaces: PSY-2502.

PSY-2100: Developmental Psychology: Life Span (3 hours)

Cognitive, emotional, physical, social, and spiritual growth across the lifespan. Implications of developmental patterns for the helping and health professions covered. Replaces: PSY-4100.

PSY-2125: Child and Adolescent Psychology (3 hours)

Physical, cognitive, emotional, social, and spiritual development from kindergarten through secondary school. Developmental patterns and educational/family implications identified. Appropriate for students preparing for K-12 certification. Replaces: PSY-4125.

PSY-2151: Social Psychology (3 hours)

This course explores the factors that influence individual social behavior. These factors range from individual traits to the physical environment to group and social factors. Theoretical perspectives and research approaches that investigate individual social behavior will be examined. Prerequisite: C or higher in PSY-1000 or placement. Replaces: PSY-4151.

PSY-2310: Statistics for the Behavioral Science (3 hours)

Introduction to statistical techniques and theory in the behavioral sciences. Emphasis on intuitive approach to theory, practical application to problems of investigation, and use of inferential statistics in social science research. Replaces: PSY-3310. Prerequisite: C or better in MAT-1412 or a higher level MAT course.

PSY-2320: Research Methods (3 hours)

Designs, materials, and procedures used by the psychologist as a social scientist. Emphasis on data collection and analysis, and a student research project. Replaces: PSY-3320. Prerequisite: Grade C or higher in PSY-2310.

PSY-4201: Interpersonal Skills for the Helping Professions (3 hours)

Basic skills of counseling, establishing a therapeutic relationship, listening and responding to the client, decision making. Importance of values and meaning in counseling. Ethical issues in therapy. Use of role playing, audio and video tapes.

PSY-4205: Introduction to Counseling (3 hours)

Current and different counseling theories and issues; conditions for effective counseling in varied settings; multicultural concerns. Prerequisite: C or higher in PSY-4201.

PSY-4210: Group Dynamics and Leadership Skills (3 hours)

Group structure and dynamics. Development of basic group skills applicable to a variety of group settings. Prerequisite: C or higher in PSY-4201.

PSY-4415: Cognitive Psychology (3 hours)

Examination of contemporary theories and phenomena in cognitive psychology. Application to real-world problems and awareness of one’s own cognitive processes. Topics include attention, memory processes and representations, language, problem solving and cognitive errors.

PSY-4430: Affective Education in Middle School (3 hours)

Focus on understanding critical social/emotional issues of early adolescents. Strategies for integration of developmental and preventative guidance concepts into existing curricula and advisor-advisee programs. Emphasis on assisting students in understanding and accepting themselves. Prerequisite: C or higher in PSY-4125.

PSY-4505: Human Sexuality (3 hours)

This course covers biological, psychological and theological aspects of human sexuality, including anatomy, behavior, dysfunctions and treatment.

PSY-4510: Sports Psychology (3 hours)

Application of psychological principles to sport behavior. Relationship of body and mind, theoretical models of understanding sport behavior, and techniques of helping athletes cope with motivation and stress.

PSY-4601: Special Topics (3 hours)

In-depth and timely study of topics or issues in psychology. Topics will be changed according to interests of instructors and needs of students. Contact instructor for current focus.

PSY-4605: Abnormal Psychology (3 hours)

Explores mental disorders of adults and children based on the present DSM including theories and research as to causes, symptomatology and treatment. Identifies the role of personnel including applications to education, health care and community focus in dealing with mental conflict and fostering mental health.

PSY-4610: Theories of Personality (3 hours)

Description, theoretical interpretation and measurement of both normal and abnormal personality. Development and maintenance of personality. Compare and contrast different theories and techniques of models.

PSY-4615: Cross-Cultural Psychology (3 hours)

Examination of cultural and social forces that impact behavior and cognition. Global and cross-cultural perspective will focus on topics related to personality, social developmental and health psychology. Cross-cultural research and methodology will consider both the uniqueness and interdependence of individuals, while recognizing both biological and social forces in development.

PSY-4620: Psychology of Gender (3 hours)

Discusses the role of gender in the development of the individual, including biological, psychological and cultural components.

PSY-4625: Behavior Assessment and Management (3 hours)

Principles, techniques and practical issues involved in behavioral assessment. Processes underlying behavioral change programs. Students implement a behavior management plan.

PSY-4630: Interface Between Psychology/Christianity (3 hours)

The current and historical relationships between psychology and the Christian faith; the philosophical underpinnings of science and scientific psychology; the diverse roles of Christians as helping professionals. Prerequisite: C or higher in THY-1100, THY-2010, or THY-3105 and THY-1210 .

PSY-4640: History and Systems of Psychology (3 hours)

Philosophical, theological and scientific roots of psychology. Examination of past and present schools of thought within the discipline. Discussion of professional specialties in psychology. Focus on original writings of historical figures in psychology.

PSY-4655: Health Psychology (3 hours)

History of the field of health psychology. Examination of major perspectives within the field (Clinical, Public Health, Community and Critical). Factors underlying health habits and lifestyles with emphasis on methods to enhance health behavior and prevention of illness. Attention given to roles of individual, social, cultural and economic factors in health.

PSY-4665: Forensic Psychology (3 hours)

Course will cover how psychology and the legal system interact. Issues of expert testimony, jury selection, custody evaluations and personal and social biases will be discussed, as well as other forensic psychology topics. The use of psychological research in the legal system will be emphasized.

PSY-4670: Psychology of Religion (3 hours)

Research-based examination of the study of the origins, development and consequences of religion from a psychological perspective. Overview of the relationship between religiosity and social psychological variables will be emphasized. Application of traditional psychological theories and empirical research toward religious phenomena.

PSY-4900: Senior Seminar in Psychology (3 hours)

Course serves as a culminating experience for senior psychology majors/minors. Major issues and themes in psychology revisited and synthesized. Career planning covered. The role of psychology in individuals’ lives and today's society discussed.

PSY-4950: Independent Study in Psychology (1-6 hours)

No Description.

PSY-4990: Internship in Psychology (3 hours)

Supervised experiences that utilize psychology in a meaningful manner. On-campus supervision required. Open to psychology majors or minors with senior standing, who have been approved by the department. See internship manual for requirements. Prerequisites: PSY-2310 and senior standing.