PHY-1110: Physics of Things We Use (With Lab) (4 hours)
A broad qualitative study of basic physics: mechanics, properties of matter, heat, waves and sound, electricity and magnetism, light, modern physics. Designed for liberal arts and biology, earth sciences, and chemistry secondary education majors. Fee: Required. Prerequisite: C or higher in MAT-0100 or higher.
PHY-2121: Elementary Physics I (With Lab) (4 hours)
A quantitative study of mechanics, thermodynamics and vibrations and waves. Fee: Required. Prerequisite: C or higher in MAT-0100 or higher, high school algebra, trigonometry and physics.
PHY-2122: Elementary Physics II (With Lab) (4 hours)
A quantitative study of electricity and magnetism, light and optics, and modern physics. Prerequisite: C or higher in PHY-2121. Fee: Required.
PHY-2311: Physics for Engineering I (4 hours)
Kinematics, vectors, Newton's laws of motion; linear momentum, collisions; work and kinetic energy; potential energy, conservation of energy; rotational kinematics and energy; rotational dynamics, static equilibrium; simple harmonic motion. Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better or concurrent registration in MAT 2500 or approval of the department. Fee: Required.
PHY-2312: Physics for Engineering II (4 hours)
Electric Field, Potential and potential energy, Capacitors, Electric current and resistance, Magnetism, Magnetic fields, Alternating Currents, Mechanical and Electromagnetic waves, Geometrical optics, Interference and diffraction. Prerequisite:Grade of C or better in PHY- 2311. Fee: Required.
PHY-2313: Fundamentals in Engineering Physics III (4 hours)
Calculus-based study of fluids, thermodynamics, special relativity, introductory quantum mechanics, nuclear physics and particle physics. Prerequisite: C or higher in MAT-3100 and PHY 2312 or Co-requisite: MAT-3100. or Department approval.
PHY-4910: Special Topics: Physics (4 hours)
An in-depth study of a topic relevant to a current topic in the discipline or a topic of interest that is not addressed in other departmental courses. The course may be repeated for credit so long as the topic is different.
PHY-4950: Independent Study in Physics (1-6 hours)