2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Natural Science, Interdisciplinary (NSCI)

Courses with an * Lab required. 

NSCI-1200: Concepts in Life and Physical Science (With Lab) (4 hours)

A study of the fundamental principles of biology, physical, and earth science. This course may not be counted toward any biology major, minor or designation. Replaces: NSCI-1110 and NSCI-1120. Prerequisite: C or higher in MAT-1010. Fee: Required.Includes a lab.

NSCI-1500: Medical Terminology (3 hours)

A course for medical terminology. The course will cover word prefixes, suffixes and roots, and provides an opportunity for students to develop a medical vocabulary that is extremely useful for all the preprofessional health careers. Cross-Listed: BIO-1500.

NSCI-1970: Energy and Our Environment (With Lab) (3 hours)

A study of the physical and chemical principles of energy. Issues of energy conservation and usage, together with their environmental impacts, are considered from the perspectives of chemistry, earth science, physics and biology. Fee: Required.

NSCI-1981: Introduction to Sustainability (With Lab) (4 hours)

An introductory interdisciplinary study of the natural sciences as they can be applied to the concepts of sustainability. Concepts and history of development and the origins of concerns about sustainability. Laboratory fee if offered as in-person course.

NSCI-4910: Special Topics: Interdisciplinary Natural Science (4 hours)

An in-depth study of a topic relevant to a current topic in the discipline or a topic of interest that is not addressed in other departmental courses. The course may be repeated for credit so long as the topic is different.