NRG-2100: Foundations of Nursing Practice (4 hours)
This course introduces the fundamental concepts necessary for safe, patient-centered nursing care to a diverse patient population while integrating critical thinking, clinical judgment, and the nursing process as key foundations to nursing practice. Attention to comfort measures, assistance with daily living activities, environmental concerns, positioning and transporting, asepsis and sterile technique, medication administration, and intrusive therapies will be included. Application of knowledge and practice of skills will be demonstrated in the nursing skills laboratory. Students are required to demonstrate a mastery of basic nursing skills for adequate completion of the course. Fee: Required. Prerequisites: C or higher in BIO 2500, BIO 2700 or BIO 2111. Declaration of Nursing as intended major. Co-requisite: NRG-2120.
NRG-2120: Foundations of Nursing Practice Clinical and Simulated Learning (1 hour)
This course is designed to provide clinical and simulated experiences related to the theory provided in NRG-2100. Nursing students are introduced to basic nursing knowledge and skills including dependent, independent and interdependent functions of the nurse. This clinical and laboratory-based course will include techniques used in the assessment of the physical, psychological and development dimensions of the individual. Variations of findings based on influences such as age and culture are identified. Emphasis is placed on the therapeutic interventions of safety, hygiene and comfort, health assessment and health promotion. The use of high and low-fidelity simulation with be used as an adjunctive learning modality. Prerequisites: Completion with a C or higher in BIO-2500, BIO-2700 or BIO 2111. Declaration of Nursing as intended major. Co-requisite: NRG-2100.
NRG-2340: Health Assessment and Promotion (3 hours)
This course will develop the knowledge and skills necessary for conducting comprehensive and focused health assessments for individuals with emphasis placed on interviewing skills, health histories, and physical and psychosocial findings in the well person. Communication and record keeping skills are developed. Fee: Required. Prerequisites: C or higher in BIO-2800 or BIO 2112, NRG-2100, NRG-2120. Co-Requisite: NRG-2341.
NRG-2341: Health Assessment and Promotion Practice Lab (1 hour)
Lab time is utilized to practice and master skills to successfully demonstrate mastery of a complete physical examination on an adult patient. Demonstration of nursing skills and/or required competencies must be performed satisfactorily to pass the laboratory. Prerequisites: C or higher in BIO-2800 or BIO 2112, NRG-2100, NRG-2120. Declaration of Nursing as intended major. Co-requisite: NRG-2340.
NRG-2350: Pathophysiology (3 hours)
This course focuses on the pathophysiology, etiology, and associated clinical findings of certain diseases. Diseases include those selected from the Healthy People 2030 objectives according to their prevalence. Acquisition of this core knowledge and its application in clinical nursing practice is emphasized. Prerequisites: C or higher in BIO-2800 or BIO-2112, NRG-2100 and NRG-2120.
NRG-3100: Care of the Acutely Ill Adult (4 hours)
This course is one of two courses, which builds upon the core educational competencies introduced during NRG-2100. Designed to provide the student with a sound foundation in medical-surgical nursing care of the acutely ill adult client through integration of knowledge from the biological, physical, epidemiological, and behavioral sciences, concepts of health, environment, risk reduction and disease prevention. Fee: Required. Prerequisites: Admission to the Professional Phase of the BSN program. Co-requisite: NRG-3120.
NRG-3120: Acutely Ill Adult Clinical and Simulated Learning (2 hours)
This clinical course is designed as the clinical component to NRG-3100; provides the students with experience to care for the adult client experiencing alterations in health. Emphasis will be placed on the role of the professional nurse in various treatment settings using current treatment modalities. The use of high and low-fidelity simulation with be used as an adjunctive learning modality. Prerequisite: Admission to the Professional Phase of the BSN Program. Co-requisite: NRG-3100.
NRG-3150: Pharmacology and Therapeutics in Nursing Practice (3 hours)
This course focuses on the basic drug classification, concepts and principles of pharmacology with special consideration for the nursing role in developing a comprehensive approach to the clinical application of drug therapy through the use of the nursing process. Fee: Required. Prerequisite: Admission to the Professional Phase of the BSN program.
NRG-3155: Nutrition for the Clinical Professional (2 hours)
This course focuses on basic concepts of nutrition for those students that are pursuing careers in nursing and other allied health fields. This course covers healthy nutrition through the life cycle, selected cultural variation, diet and physical activity, medical nutrition therapy and selected diseases, and food safety. Fee: Required.
NRG-3300: Family Centered Nursing: Care of the Child and Family (3 hours)
This course focuses on nursing care of the child along the health-illness continuum. Core concepts of growth and development, well child-care, family structure, environment, heredity, and psychosocial factors will serve as a basis for designing care. The child with acute, chronic, and life-threatening illness will be covered as well as risk factors for morbidity and mortality. Nursing strategies to minimize stressors experienced by children and their families during illness will be presented. Key elements of spirituality, culture, socioeconomic status, and health beliefs will be examined. Fee: Required. Prerequisite: C or Higher NRG-3100, NRG-3120, NRG-3150. Admission to the Professional Phase of the BSN program. Co-requisite: NRG-3320.
NRG-3320: Family Centered Nursing: Care of the Child and Family Clinical and Simulated Learning (2 hours)
This clinical and simulated learning course is designed to provide the student with experience to utilize evidence-based knowledge and critical thinking skills in providing nursing care to children and their families. Clinical and simulated learning assignments will include caring for children who are experiencing alterations in health. Concepts of wellness, growth and development, disease identification, disease management, and patient advocacy are used as a basis for the provision of care. The use of high and low-fidelity simulation with be used as an adjunctive learning modality. Prerequisite: C or higher in NRG-3100, NRG-3120 and NRG-3150. Admission to the Professional Phase of the BSN program. Co-requisite: NRG-3300.
NRG-3350: Scientific Inquiry for Evidence Based Practice (2 hours)
This course is designed to provide the student with the skills to understand and utilize research evidence in decisions about clinical practice. Articulation of relevant practice-based questions, competency in database search strategies, and critical appraisal of evidence for quality care practices are emphasized. Fee: Required.
NRG-3400: Psychiatric Wellness (3 hours)
This course focuses on the population of clients experiencing acute and chronic psychiatric disorders across the lifespan. Emphasis will be placed on the nurse/client relationship, psychopharmacology, and treatment modalities. Environmental stressors and the effects of mental health disorders on clients and their families will be discussed. Fee: Required. Prerequisites: C or higher in NRG-3150, NRG-3100 and NRG-3120. Admission to the Professional Phase of the BSN program. Co-requisite: NRG-3420.
NRG-3420: Psychiatric Wellness Clinical and Simulated Learning (1 hour)
This is the clinical course to NRG-3400, designed to provide the student with experience to care for the client experiencing a major psychiatric and/or mental health disorder. Emphasis will be placed on the role of the professional nurse in various treatment settings as well as current treatment modalities. The client population includes children, adolescents, and adults along the health-illness continuum. The use of high and low-fidelity simulation with be used as an adjunctive learning modality. Prerequisites: C or higher in NRG-3150, NRG-3100 and NRG-3120. Co-requisite: NRG-3400.
NRG-4100: Family Centered Nursing: Care of the Woman and the Childbearing Family (3 hours)
This didactic course focuses on the care of the family during the childbearing years. The processes of normal pregnancy and birth, high risk pregnancy, postpartum care, and the care of the healthy newborn and the newborn with birth complications are presented. Through integration of the sciences and evidence-based knowledge, concepts of family, environment, health, wellness, and culture will be emphasized. Issues related to women's reproductive health and contraception will be covered. Fee: Required. Prerequisite: C or higher in NRG-3100, NRG-3120 and NRG-3150. Admission to the Professional Phase of the BSN program. Co-requisite: NRG-4120.
NRG-4120: Family Centered Nursing: Care of Woman and the Childbearing Family Clinical and Simulated Learning (2 hours)
This is the clinical and simulated learning course for NRG-4100, designed to provide the student with experience to utilize evidence-based knowledge and critical thinking skills in providing nursing care to childbearing families. Clinical and simulated learning assignments will include caring for families during the antepartum, intrapartum, postpartum, and newborn periods. Concepts of wellness, culture, infant growth and development, family integrity, and patient advocacy are used as a basis for the provision of care. The use of high and low-fidelity simulation with be used as an adjunctive learning modality. Prerequisite: C or higher in NRG-3100, NRG-3120 and NRG-3150. Admission to the Professional Phase of the BSN program. Co-requisite: NRG-4100.
NRG-4150: Case Analysis Across the Lifespan I (2 hours)
This course is designed to examine unfolding case studies as a way to reinforce knowledge required for practice readiness related to the situations and populations encountered in NRG-2100, NRG-3150, NRG-3100, NRG-3300, NRG-3400, NRG-4100 and NRG-4200. Acute and complex conditions, pharmacologic and therapeutic interventions, delivery systems, legal, ethical, and policy consideration will be considered. Prerequisite: C or higher in NRG-3100 and NRG-3120. Admission to the Professional Phase of the BSN program.
NRG-4200: Care of the Chronically Ill Adult (4 hours)
This course is the second of two courses which builds upon the core educational competencies introduced during NRG-3100. Designed to provide the student with a sound foundation in medical-surgical nursing care of the chronically ill adult client through integration of knowledge from the biological, physical, epidemiological, and behavioral sciences, concepts of health, environment, risk reduction and disease prevention. Fee: Required. Prerequisite: C or higher in NRG-3100, NRG-3120 and NRG-3150. Admission to the Professional Phase of the BSN program. Co-requisite: NRG-4220.
NRG-4220: Care of the Chronically Ill Adult Clinical and Simulated Learning (2 hours)
This course is designed to provide the student with clinical experience to accompany NRG-4200. Focus will be on the implementation of patient-centered care that reflects an understanding of the concepts of human growth and development, pathophysiology, and medical and nursing management along the health-illness continuum with emphasis on nursing care of the adult with chronic illness. Key elements of culture, spirituality, heredity, ethics, and health literacy will be integrated into the planning and provision of nursing care. The use of high and low fidelity simulation will be used as an adjunctive learning modality. Prerequisite: C or higher in NRG-3100, NRG-3120 and NRG-3150. Admission to the Professional Phase of the BSN program. Co-requisite: NRG-4200.
NRG-4300: Community Wellness (3 hours)
This course will focus on the role of the application of nursing science in the community from the individual, family and the population perspective recognizing the social determinants of health. Principles of epidemiology and evidence based practice will be utilized in developing a plan of care. The impact of global healthcare trends, political decisions, and financial and regulatory systems on health outcomes will be examined. Fee: Required. Prerequisite: C or higher in NRG-3100, NRG-3120 and NRG-3150. Admission to the Professional Phase of the BSN program. Co-requisite: NRG-4320.
NRG-4320: Community Wellness Clinical and Simulated Learning (1 hour)
This course is the clinical component of NRG-4300. Students will explore community health nursing practices for the purpose of preventing disease, disability and in promoting, protecting, and maintaining healthy populations within a community. The use of high and low-fidelity simulation will be used as an adjunctive learning modality. Prerequisite: C or higher in NRG-3100, NRG-3120 and NRG-3150. Admission to the Professional Phase of the BSN program. Co-requisite: NRG-4300.
NRG-4350: Leadership in Complex Healthcare Systems (2 hours)
This course is designed to introduce concepts of leadership and management for entry-level professional nursing practice. The course addresses building cultures of quality and safety in complex health care delivery systems. Current theories of management, leadership and change are examined and related to nursing practice. Concepts including inter-professional communication, teamwork, delegation, and supervision will be explored with a focus on synthesis of this knowledge to develop innovative and creative approaches to nursing practice. Admission to the Professional Phase of the BSN program.
NRG-4400: Research Based Capstone (1 hour)
The purpose of this course is to provide Registered Nurse students the opportunity to integrate professional role characteristics with a capstone practice integrated experience. This in-depth learning activity draws on prior work in evidence-based practice, nursing role development, scientific and humanistic foundations, and collaboration. The focus is on application of principles of leadership to create a substantive activity contributing to healthcare improvement. Emphasis is on implementation and evaluation of an initiative in a selected practice setting addressing a health need or problem. Fee: Required. Prerequisite: C or higher in NRG-3350. Admission to the Professional Phase of the BSN program. Co-requisite: NRG-4420.
NRG-4420: Research Based Residency and Simulated Learning (3 hours)
This culminating clinical practice course accompanies NRG-4400 and provides students an in-depth learning experience in a selected area of nursing practice. The leadership, management, and caregiver roles of the professional nurse in a selected area of nursing practice is emphasized. Students are assigned to nurse preceptors, with faculty guidance, which focused on the application of the nursing process, theories, concepts, research, and issues and trends in caring for patients in a variety of preceptorship placements in acute and community settings. The use of high and low fidelity simulation will be used as an adjunctive learning modality. Prerequisite: C or higher in NRG-3350. Admission to the Professional Phase of the BSN program. Co-requisite: NRG-4400.
NRG-4450: Case Analysis Across the Lifespan II (2 hours)
This course is designed to examine unfolding case studies indicative of real world patient situations as a way to reinforce practice-ready knowledge related to populations encountered in NRG-2340, NRG-3100, NRG-3300, NRG-3400, NRG-4100, NRG-4200, NRG-4300, and NRG-4400. Acute and complex conditions, pharmacologic and therapeutic interventions, delivery systems, legal, ethical, and policy consideration will be considered. Prerequisite: C or higher in NRG-4200 and NRG-4220.Admission to the Professional Phase of the BSN program.
NRG-4910: Special Topics: Nursing (1 hour)
An in-depth study of a topic relevant to a current topic in the discipline or a topic of interest that is not addressed in other departmental courses. The course may be repeated for credit so long as the topic is different.