2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Kinesiology (KIN)

KIN-1000: Physiological Basis of Exercise (3 hours)

Introduction to the domains of exercise science including: physiological systems, exercise physiology, clinical assessment, and exercise and sports nutrition.

KIN-1010: Evidence Based Practice in Exercise Science (3 hours)

Identify appropriate research to answer questions and support decisions, and illustrate those findings via scientific communication principles. Replaces: SRMP-2030.

KIN-1200: Functional Anatomy (3 hours)

Introduction to functional anatomy. Topics covered include: anatomical terminology, musculoskeletal anatomy, and common musculoskeletal injuries.

KIN-1400: Health and Fitness Assessment (3 hours)

Introduction to health and fitness assessments methodology. Topics covered include: risk factor assessment, pre-participation screening, and health and fitness assessments.

KIN-2000: Health Risk Appraisal (3 hours)

Application of health and fitness assessments. Prepares students to complete health and fitness assessments and interpret results. Prerequisite: C or higher in KIN-1010 and KIN-1400.

KIN-2200: Nutrition, Exercise, and Behavior (3 hours)

Introduction to nutrition and behavioral science. Topics covered include: components of nutrition, dietary recommendations for health and performance, popular diets, and dietary adherence strategies. Prerequisite: C or higher in KIN-1000 and KIN-1010.

KIN-2400: Principles of Strength and Conditioning (3 hours)

Introduction to the foundational concepts of strength and conditioning. Topics covered include: strength and conditioning terminology and foundations, strength and conditioning exercises, and warmup strategies. Prerequisite: C or higher KIN-1010 and KIN-1200.

KIN-3200: Health and Fitness Programming Management I (3 hours)

Introduction to the health and fitness programming. Topics covered will include: adults CPR and first aid, foundations of programming, program setup and introduction to periodization. Prerequisite: C or higher in KIN-2000.

KIN-3400: Health and Fitness Programming Management II (3 hours)

Application of health and fitness programing. Prepares students to program for different health and fitness goals. Prerequisite: C or higher in KIN-3200.

KIN-4000: Exercise Psychology (3 hours)

Introduction to exercise psychology. Topics covered include: principles of exercise psychology, transtheoretical model, goal-setting strategies, strategies for increasing exercise adherence, and strategy implementation. Prerequisite: C or higher in KIN-2000.

KIN-4100: Applied Biomechanics (3 hours)

Students will analyze the musculoskeletal system and apply principles of biomechanics to assess functional body movements. Prerequisite: C or higher in KIN-2400. Replaces KIN-4400.

KIN-4200: Special Topics in Kinesiology (3 hours)

Exploration of current topics in Kinesiology. Prerequisites: C or higher in KIN-3200.

KIN-4910: Special Topics: Kinesiology (3 hours)

An in-depth study of a topic relevant to a current topic in the discipline or a topic of interest that is not addressed in other departmental courses. The course may be repeated for credit so long as the topic is different.