IGER-1000: Introduction into Aging Studies and the Human Experience (3 hours)
An overview of the field of aging, with attention to the cultural, social, psychological and economic factors which influence the life of the older adult. This course will serve as an introduction to the broad spectrum of issues involved in the study of aging. Biological, psychological and sociological concerns, in addition to services for older adults, are presented in survey fashion.
IGER-2000: Combating Ageism in Everyday Life (3 hours)
Ageism is most commonly understood to describe bias and discrimination against older people but it can also include bias against young people or even specific age groups. This course explores what ageism is and the many ways it manifests and considers ways students can be allies and take actions to confront and challenge ageism. Prerequisite: C or higher in IGER-1000.
IGER-2100: Social Policies and Aging (3 hours)
Examination of the history and roles played by public policies legislation, and resources dedicated to older adults. Focus on the role of gerontology professionals in policy influence, decision-making and the role of ethics. Prerequisite: C or higher in IGER-1000.
IGER-2200: Aging Minorities in American Society (3 hours)
Examination of the fastest growing aging demographic in contemporary American society and the implications for roles played by public policies, legislation, and resources dedicated to older adults. Focus on heterogeneity within minority groups as well as the commonality of practices, interests, expectations of minority group members. Prerequisites: C or higher in IGER-1000 .
IGER-3000: Creativity and Aging (3 hours)
Examines the meanings and uses of creativity across the lifecourse utilizing a variety of perspectives. Combines reading and discussion of academic literatures on creativity as it relates to aging. Prerequisite: C or higher in IGER-1000.
IGER-3100: Memory Loss & Aging-Myth/Reality (3 hours)
This course contrasts normal age-related changes in the brain with the effects of diseases that cause cognitive impairment. Prevalence, incidence, symptoms, causes, treatment and caregiving issues are discussed, with emphasis on the history and personal, social, cultural, political, and economic impacts of Alzheimer's disease and Dementia. Prerequisite: C or higher in IGER-1000.
IGER-3200: Spirituality and Aging (3 hours)
Explores the spiritual lives of people as they age, with an emphasis on Christian and Lutheran ministries, and considers the tasks of the later years while integrating an understanding of those tasks into the student’s own journey of aging and into their work with older adults. Prerequisite: C or higher in IGER-1000.
IGER-4910: Select Topics in Gerontology (3 hours)
Exploration of a specific area of social gerontology. Topics are based on current trends and student and faculty interests. May be repeated for credit for selected topics. Prerequisite: C or higher in IGER-1000.
IGER-4950: Independent Study in Gerontology (1-6 hours)