HRM-3400: Recruitment, Retention, and Compensation (3 hours)
Exploration of the roles of recruitment, retention and compensation as part of strategy to reach business objectives. The impact of recruitment techniques and compensation structures as tools an employer may use motivate and retain employees will be discussed within the framework of a total rewards plan. Replaces HRM-3000.
HRM-3500: Principles of Human Resource Management (3 hours)
Examining the HR professional’s role in contributing to the strategic plan of the organization. Understanding how professionals work closely with senior leaders to develop effective HR operations that align with business goals and objectives. An exploration of today’s competitive global marketplace and effective planning is covered. Learning about the development of a vision and mission and how HR is a partner in executing and delivering meaningful results is addressed. Replaces HRM-3100.
HRM-3600: Labor Relations (3 hours)
Exploration of the workplace relationship between the employer and employee. It further studies relationships and working conditions that balance employer and employee needs and rights in support of the organization's strategic goals and values. Replaces: HRM-3300.
HRM-4000: Human Resource Analytics for Business Decisions (3 hours)
An overview of Human Resource analytics and their relationship to a company reaching its strategic goals. Through the systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of data, business decision-making and planning are enhanced. The HR professional must understand the business to add value and make a meaningful impact to the bottom line.
HRM-4700: Workforce Planning (3 hours)
This course provides an overview of the Human Resource business cycles and the role of an HR professional as an internal consultant. Good workforce planning and the multiple impacts on a business are reviewed. The process used to generate business intelligence to inform the business of the current, transition and future impact of the external and internal environment is examined. Learning how HR must ensure the right people with the right skills are in the right roles will be presented. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all courses required for the HRM major.
HRM-4910: Special Topics: Human Resource Management (3 hours)
An in-depth study of a topic relevant to a current topic in the discipline or a topic of interest that is not addressed in other departmental courses. The course may be repeated for credit so long as the topic is different.