2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Hebrew (HEB)

HEB-2000: Hebrew I (4 hours)

The first semester of a 2-semester Hebrew sequence of biblical Hebrew grammar. Preparation for reading the Old Testament in Hebrew. Replaces HEB-4101.

HEB-2100: Hebrew II (4 hours)

Biblical Hebrew grammar continued; preparation for reading the Old Testament in Hebrew continued. Replaces: HEB-4102. Prerequisite: C or higher in HEB-2000.

HEB-3400: Hebrew Readings I (3 hours)

Readings from the Hebrew text of the Old Testament. Review of vocabulary, morphology and syntax. Selections change from year to year. Instruction in Aramaic and exposure to other Northwest Semitic languages as appropriate given specific student competence in Hebrew. Course may be repeated for credit. Replaces HEB-4500. Prerequisite: C or higher in HEB-2100.

HEB-3450: Readings in Hebrew I (1 hour)

Readings from the Hebrew text of the Old Testament and other ancient Hebrew literature. Review of vocabulary, morphology and syntax. Selections change from year to year. Instruction in Aramaic and exposure to other Northwest Semitic languages as appropriate given specific competence in Hebrew. Course may be repeated for credit. Replaces: HEB-4501. Prerequisite: C or higher in HEB-2100.

HEB-4400: Hebrew Readings II (3 hours)

Readings from the Hebrew text of the Old Testament. Review of vocabulary, morphology and syntax. Selections change from year to year. Instruction in Aramaic and exposure to other Northwest Semitic languages as appropriate given specific student competence in Hebrew. Course may be repeated for credit. Replaces: HEB-4500. Prerequisite: C or higher in HEB-3400.

HEB-4450: Readings in Hebrew II (1 hour)

Readings from the Hebrew text of the Old Testament and other ancient Hebrew literature. Review of vocabulary, morphology and syntax. Selections change from year to year. Instruction in Aramaic and exposure to other Northwest Semitic languages as appropriate given specific competence in Hebrew. Course may be repeated for credit. Replaces: HEB-4501. Prerequisite: C or higher in HEB-3400 or HEB-3450.

HEB-4910: Special Topics: Hebrew (4 hours)

An in-depth study of a topic relevant to a current topic in the discipline or a topic of interest that is not addressed in other departmental courses. The course may be repeated for credit so long as the topic is different.

HEB-4950: Independent Study in Hebrew or Aramaic (1-6 hours)

Prerequisite: C or higher in HEB-4500.