2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Finance (FIN)

FIN-4200: Finance (3 hours)

Students will learn the basic principles of finance and how they integrate with economics and accounting. The course generates student understanding of how financial statements are used to set financial goals, and how the budgeting process integrates with financial objectives. Students will learn specific topics such as risk analysis, cash flows, time value of money, short-term and long-term financial management, capital structure, and cost of capital. Student will learn how financial decisions integrate with the overall economic system and the global business environment. Prerequisite: C or higher in ACC-2001.

FIN-4260: Individual Finance (3 hours)

Focuses on finance principles and problems for individuals. This course provides a basic understanding of the concepts of managing finances, inflation and recession, tax problems, insurance, credit, budgeting, financial planning, home ownership, bank accounts, investments, and social insurance programs. Pre-requisite: C or higher in FIN-4200.

FIN-4270: Investments and Risk Management (3 hours)

Focuses on investment principles and problems with the goal of developing student perception of risks and opportunities in investment instruments, equity, fixed income and derivatives, and the markets in which they function.

FIN-4280: Corporate Finance and Capital Budgeting (3 hours)

The course develops a theoretical framework for understanding and analyzing major financial problems of modern companies in a market environment. The course covers basic models of valuation of corporate capital, including pricing models for primary financial assets, real assets valuation and investment projects analysis, capital structure. The course provides necessary knowledge in evaluating different management decisions and its influence on corporate performance and value. Prerequisite: C or higher in FIN-4200.

FIN-4290: International Finance (3 hours)

The objectives of this course include: understanding the effect of political and economic factors on the financial decision-making of the firm, determining the major factors influencing currency value; analyzing and managing the spectrum of risks arising from a firm's international operations; and acquiring knowledge of the international financial system and the major players in that system. Prerequisites: C or higher in FIN-4200.

FIN-4910: Special Topics: Finance (3 hours)

An in-depth study of a topic relevant to a current topic in the discipline or a topic of interest that is not addressed in other departmental courses. The course may be repeated for credit so long as the topic is different.

FIN-4950: Independent Study in Finance (1-6 hours)