2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Entrepreneurship & Innovation (ENT)

ENT-2031: Creating Breakthrough Innovations (3 hours)

Creativity and innovation are crucial to the success of any organization. Building an organization that can continuously create and implement innovative new products and services is one of the core concerns of top management. The combined format of lectures and experiential applications in this course enable the student to develop a deep grounding in the field of creativity and innovation in a practical, business-centered context. The global concepts, tools and techniques introduced in the course provide students the ability to play a leading role in innovation-driven organizations. Replaces: MGT-2030.

ENT-3020: Identifying Entrepreneurship Opportunities (3 hours)

This course focuses on the very early stages of entrepreneurship—the discovery and evaluation of new business opportunities and how value is created throughout the entrepreneurship process. The front end of entrepreneurship involves the discovery of either a valuable customer problem or a significant new customer benefit that, when assessed, offers societal value worth pursuing in the form of a new business. Students will identify a number of possible opportunities based on customer dissatisfaction, societal trends, and unmet needs and evaluate them in terms of social and ethical concerns as well as with consideration given to potential global impact. Replaces: MGT-3020.

ENT-4900: Strategy, Planning, and Execution for Entrepreneurship (3 hours)

This course enables students to demonstrate the culmination of all the skills and knowledge they have gained in the major. The course challenges students to demonstrate creative entrepreneurship within a competitive global environment. Students will create a business plan for a new business venture that addresses the selection of the legal entity, marketing, capital structure and finances, operations management, human resource management, and risk mitigation. Communicating the business vision as a leader and managing all the functions of the business are critical to the success of a new business enterprise.

ENT-4910: Special Topics: Entrepreneurship & Innovation (3 hours)

An in-depth study of a topic relevant to a current topic in the discipline or a topic of interest that is not addressed in other departmental courses. The course may be repeated for credit so long as the topic is different.

ENT-4950: Independent Study in Entrepreneurship & Innovation (1-6 hours)