2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Education (EDUC)

EDUC-1050: Introduction to American Education (3 hours)

The future teacher will construct a foundation for understanding teaching and schooling in a diverse society by investigating historic and current understandings of education in a changing world. Field Experience: Required. Fee: Required.

EDUC-1060: Intro to American Education for Public & Lutheran Teachers (3 hours)

The future teacher will construct a foundation for understanding teaching and schooling in a diverse society by investigating historic and current understandings of education in a changing world. Topics will also focus on the Lutheran School perspectives of education. Field Experience: Required. Fee: Required. Offered: Fall and Spring.

EDUC-1070: Media and Technology in the Classroom (3 hours)

Overview of educational technologies used by educators. Explores strategies for using appropriate technologies in K-12 classrooms. Prerequisite or Co-requisite: EDUC-1050 or EDUC-1060 (DCE non-education majors excluded). Fee: Required.

EDUC-2020: Human and Cognitive Development (3 hours)

Overview of human development with an emphasis on early childhood, middle and high school years. Includes an emphasis on brain development and how children learn and view their world. Prerequisite or co-requisite: EDUC-1050 or EDUC-1060 (DCE non-education majors excluded). Field Experience: Required. Offered: Fall and Spring.

EDUC-2050: Teaching in Diverse Classrooms (3 hours)

Principles and practices of teaching in classrooms with cultural and language diversity. A focus on personal and professional growth of the teacher, language diversity, cultural responsiveness, lesson planning and collaboration to ensure success for every student. Prerequisite or co-requisite: EDUC-1050 or EDUC-1060 (DCE non-education majors excluded). Field Experience: Required. Offered: Fall and Spring.

EDUC-2090: Characteristics and Instruction of Exceptional Learners (3 hours)

Identification of physical, psychological, behavioral/social and academic characteristics and needs of exceptional learners including students with learning disabilities and students who are gifted and talented. Methods of instruction and implications for educational practices. Prerequisite or co-requisite: EDUC-1050 or EDUC-1060 (DCE non-education majors excluded). Field Experience: Required. Fee: Required. Offered: Fall and Spring.

EDUC-2300: Theoretical Foundations of Teaching ESL Students (3 hours)

This course focuses on a critical analysis of the social, psychological, cultural and political foundations of first and second language learning as they apply to the teaching of language minority students in American schools. Includes an examination of educational programs designed for English Language Learners including the native language and the ESL (English as a Second Language) components. Research on effective implementation of bilingual/ESL programs is reviewed. Will explore basic fundamental knowledge of L2 acquisition while facilitating awareness of the diverse needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students. Field Experience: Required.

EDUC-2400: Literature for Children, Adolescents and Young Adults (3 hours)

Foundational study of literature and informational texts: genres, complexity, structure, analysis and evaluation. Emphasis on selecting and using texts to meet the needs of all students, including English language learners and students who need support. Integrating literature into the content areas. Offered: Fall and Spring.

EDUC-2500: Foundations of Literacy (3 hours)

This course offers an in-depth exploration of the domains of literacy instruction, grounded in research and evidence-based practices. Students will examine key theories of reading and writing development. Emphasis is placed on content knowledge, systematic and explicit instructional approaches, assessment practices, and strategies for supporting diverse learners across all literacy domains. Field Experience: Required. Fee: Required. Offered: Fall and Spring.

EDUC-2700: Linguistics and Language Development for Diverse Learners (3 hours)

This course focuses on language growth and development in children. Examination of major language acquisition theories and programs and techniques designed to facilitate acquisition of language skills. Basic language development inventories and foundations of linguistics are studied. The relationships of language development to cognitive and social-emotional growth is explored.

EDUC-3400: Integrated Sciences – STEM (3 hours)

Engineering design for middle grades with STEM integration, inquiry and problem solving for elementary and middle grade diverse classrooms. Fee: Required. Prerequisite: Acceptance into Teacher Candidacy. Middle grades candidates completion of NSCI-1110 and NSCI-1120 recommended. Offered: Fall.

EDUC-4027: Assessment of Language Minority Students (3 hours)

Comprehensive overview of current developments in the assessment of English language learners in the context of school learning and academic achievement. How to structure assessment procedures to reflect current research understandings, best classroom practices, and state and federal mandates are emphasized. Analysis of purposes and forms of assessment, barriers to fair assessment of ELLs, and designing and adapting authentic assessment tools for formal and informal methods of assessing English proficiency and academic development in English at varying levels. Field Experience: Required.

EDUC-4100: Foundations of Ethics of American Education (3 hours)

Introduction to the historical, political, legal, economic, social and cultural foundations of American Educational development including philosophies and ethics. Cross-Listed: EDSC-4100. Prerequisite: Acceptance into Teacher Candidacy. Offered: Fall and Spring.

EDUC-4620: Teaching ESL (3 hours)

This course focuses on the application of major theories and research to assist English language learners in developing language and literacy in the content areas. The course includes the development and implementation of standards-based instructional strategies and assessment procedures adapted to ELLs at varying levels of language and literacy development. Field Experience: Required.

EDUC-4630: Methods and Materials for Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students (3 hours)

This course offers an exploration and analysis of relevant K-12 pedagogical approaches, methods, and strategies needed to convey to a diverse population state and professional standards-based curricula. This course includes the development, adaptation, and evaluation of materials for implementation in lesson planning and assessment for teaching English to speakers of other languages to particular groups of different ages, ability levels, and cultural backgrounds. Finally, this course presents an inclusion of strategies that foster both language acquisition and academic achievement in speaking, reading, writing, and listening. Prerequisites:C or higher in EDUC-2050, EDUC-2300, EDUC-2700 and Admission to College of Education.

EDUC-4900: Lutheran Teacher: Vocation and Methods (3 hours)

The vocation of the Lutheran teacher in today’s P-12 Lutheran schools. Course includes methods and strategies for teaching the Lutheran Christian faith, the servant leadership role of the Lutheran teacher in classroom, congregation and community. Field Experience: Required. Fee: Required. Prerequisite: Acceptance into Teacher Candidacy.

EDUC-4910: Special Topics: Education (3 hours)

An in-depth study of a topic relevant to a current topic in the discipline or a topic of interest that is not addressed in other departmental courses. The course may be repeated for credit so long as the topic is different.

EDUC-4950: Independent Study in Education (1-6 hours)

Fee: Required.

EDUC-4980: Student Teaching Internship (15 hours)

Designed for students who are completing licensure in two program areas. The title of the programs will be inserted for “Major Program” and “Focus Program”. Internship in the major program every day for eight weeks, of the semester and in the focus program every day for eight weeks of the semester under the guidance of classroom cooperating teachers and the supervision of the University. Illinois Professional Teaching Standards (2010) are assessed with the Education Teacher Performance Assessment and other assessments. Seminar and colloquium participation is required. Prerequisite: Admission to Student Teaching Internship.

EDUC-4985: Student Teaching Seminar (0 hours)

Focus on portfolio-related issues,skills,and area of knowledge,specifically in preparation for submitting the student teaching summative assessment.