2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Special Education (EDSP)

EDSP-4751: Characteristics of Students with Special Needs: High Incidence (3 hours)

This course focuses on characteristics and identification of individuals Special Education (ages K-22) with high incidence disabilities. Understanding the impact of language disorders, processing deficits, behavioral/emotional problems and sensory disabilities on the cognitive, emotional, social and communication development of individuals with special needs is central to this course. Legal requirements regarding inclusion and least restrictive environment are also examined. This course is taken during Special Education Block I in conjunction with other Block I courses. Classroom hours and fieldwork are shared. Field Work: Required. Prerequisite: Acceptance into Teacher Candidacy. Offered: Fall.

EDSP-4752: Instructional Strategies and Curricular Adaptations for Students with Special Needs: High Incidence (4 hours)

This course focuses on the organization and implementation of curriculum, materials and strategies to facilitate acquisition, maintenance and generalization of skills for students with high incidence disabilities. The organization of the classroom and school environment for teaching and facilitating social behavior and emotional needs of students with behavioral and emotional disorders is also addressed. Teacher candidates practice instructional planning and design based on knowledge of individual students’ disabilities, community and state standards. This course is taken during Special Education Block I in conjunction with other Block I courses. Classroom hours and fieldwork are shared. Prerequisite: Acceptance into Teacher Candidacy. Offered: Fall.

EDSP-4753: Identification and Education of Young Children with Special Needs (3 hours)

This course will focus on the characteristics, assessment, programming and instruction of young children with disabilities and those at risk for learning, birth through kindergarten. Emphasis will be placed on applicable laws, policies, procedures and best practices. This course is taken during Special Education Block I in conjunction with other Block 1 courses. Classroom hours and fieldwork are shared. Prerequisite: Acceptance into Teacher Candidacy. Offered: Fall.

EDSP-4754: Assessment of Individuals with Disabilities (3 hours)

Teacher candidates will develop knowledge and skills in the use of formal and informal assessment to guide both behavioral and instructional decisions for individuals with disabilities. Focus will be on the use and analysis of standardized and curriculum-based assessments and functional behavior assessment to develop the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP). This course is taken during Special Education Block I in conjunction with other Block I courses. Classroom hours and fieldwork are shared. Prerequisite: Acceptance into Teacher Candidacy. Offered: Fall.

EDSP-4761: Characteristics of Students with Special Needs: Low Incidence (3 hours)

This course focuses on the behavioral, emotional, physical and cognitive characteristics and identification of individuals Special Education (ages K-22) with low incidence disabilities. This course is taken during Block II in conjunction with other Special Education Block II courses. Classroom hours and fieldwork are shared. Field Work: Required. Prerequisite: Acceptance into Teacher Candidacy. Offered: Spring.

EDSP-4762: Instructional Strategies and Curriculum Adaptations for Student with Special Needs: Low Incidence (4 hours)

This course focuses on planning and creating curriculum and utilizing instructional methods and delivery appropriate for students with low incidence disabilities. Candidates will also learn to develop learning environments and apply behavioral strategies to foster independence and affective, social and life skills. This course is taken during Special Education Block II in conjunction with other Block II courses. Classroom hours and fieldwork are shared. Prerequisite: Acceptance into Teacher Candidacy. Offered: Spring.

EDSP-4763: Adaptive and Assistive Technology for Individuals with Disabilities (3 hours)

This course will offer candidates opportunities to become familiar with assistive technology that could be integrated into the classroom to make learning accessible for students with disabilities. The use of assistive technology that ranges from low to high tech will be discussed and modeled. Candidates will review and evaluate appropriate tools to meet individual student needs. The development of supportive services and the integration of technology into the IEP process will also be discussed. This course is taken during Special Education Block II in conjunction with other Block II courses. Classroom hours and fieldwork are shared. Prerequisite: Acceptance into Teacher Candidacy. Offered: Spring.

EDSP-4771: Educational Collaboration (3 hours)

This course focuses on strategies to promote positive and productive relationships between adults who work with students with disabilities. Emphasis will be placed on working with parents and school personnel. Candidates will develop effective communication skills and conferencing techniques used in consultation and collaborative models. This course is taken during Special Education Block III in conjunction with other Block III courses. Classroom hours and fieldwork are shared. Field Work: Required. Prerequisite: Acceptance into Teacher Candidacy. Offered: Fall.

EDSP-4772: Including Individuals with Disabilities in School and Community (3 hours)

This course focuses on the knowledge and skills necessary to foster inclusion of individuals with disabilities in the general education settings. Methods to adapt the curriculum to individualize instruction to meet the needs of students with disabilities will be discussed as well as how to actively create learning environments that promote positive learning outcomes. Candidates will also examine the legal requirements for least restrictive environment and free appropriate public education. This course is taken during Special Education Block III in conjunction with other Block III courses. Classroom hours and fieldwork are shared. Field Work: Required. Prerequisite: Acceptance into Teacher Candidacy. Offered: Fall.

EDSP-4773: Classroom Behavior Support and Management (3 hours)

This course focuses on effective learning environments for individuals with disabilities and for implementation of Individual Education Programs. Emphasis will be placed on implementation of environmental and management principles that encourage social interactions, active engagement in learning and self-motivation within various learning environments. This course is taken during Special Education Block III in conjunction with other Block III courses. Classroom hours and fieldwork are shared. Prerequisite: Acceptance into Teacher Candidacy. Offered: Fall.

EDSP-4774: Topics and Procedures in Special Education (3 hours)

Course visits key provisions of special education regulation including amendments to Public Law 94-142, and the Individualized Education Programs. Various topics in special education are reviewed including procedures, best practices, current special education literature, special topics and legal issues. This course is taken during Special Education Block III in conjunction with other Block III courses. Classroom hours and fieldwork are shared. Prerequisite: Acceptance into Teacher Candidacy. Offered: Fall.

EDSP-4910: Special Topics: Special Education (3 hours)

An in-depth study of a topic relevant to a current topic in the discipline or a topic of interest that is not addressed in other departmental courses. The course may be repeated for credit so long as the topic is different.

EDSP-4950: Independent Study in Special Education (1-6 hours)

EDSP-4960: Student Teaching Internship - Special Education (15 hours)

The Student Teaching Internship is a supervised experience with students that have high incidence or low incidence disabilities receiving special education services (special education setting) for a 16-week semester on a full-day basis under the guidance of a cooperating teacher and University supervisor. Attendance at scheduled seminars is required. Prerequisite: Acceptance to the Internship Professional Semester. Fee: Required.