EDMG-3000: Middle Grades: Development and Philosophy (3 hours)
Young adolescent development and diversity. Middle level philosophy and implications for curriculum, instruction, school organization, programming and best practices. Field Experience: Required. Prerequisite: C or higher in EDUC-2050 and Acceptance into Teacher Candidacy. Offered: Fall and Spring.
EDMG-4220: Literacy Instruction in the Content Areas (3 hours)
Teaching literacy in middle and secondary content area classrooms. Language acquisition and second language acquisition; research-based strategies for reading; writing; vocabulary; comprehension; fluency; analyzing, evaluating, synthesizing and summarizing information; integrating reading, writing, oral communication and discussion; assessment and using resources. Cross-Listed: EDSC-4220. Field Experience: Required. Prerequisite: Acceptance into Teacher Candidacy. Offered: Fall and Spring.
EDMG-4900: Content and Methods for Middle Grades Literacy (3 hours)
Middle grades literacy content, standards, curriculum, data-informed instruction and assessment for diverse classrooms, including English language learners, and students with special needs. Teaching reading, writing, speaking and listening conventions and second language acquisition processes. Emphasis on best practices for young adolescent development and interdisciplinary learning. Field Experience: Required. Fee: Required. Prerequisite: C or higher in EDUC-2400 or ENG-4150 and EDMG-3000 (exempt for Special Education students) and Acceptance into Teacher Candidacy. Offered: Fall and Spring.
EDMG-4903: Content and Methods for Middle Grades Social Science (3 hours)
Middle grades social sciences content (history, geography, economics, civics) and the integration of inquiry, creative thinking, problem-solving and content-area literacy. Illinois history, geography, economics and civics included. Social science standards, curriculum, data-informed instruction and assessment for diverse classrooms, including English language learners, and students with special needs. Emphasis on best practices for young adolescent development and interdisciplinary learning. Field Experience: Required. Cross-Listed: EDSC-4619. Prerequisite: C or higher in HIS-1200, HIS-1250, HIS-3210, GEO-1200, EDMG-3000 and Acceptance into Teacher Candidacy.
EDMG-4905: Content and Methods for Middle Grades Math (3 hours)
Middle grades mathematics content with integration of inquiry, creative thinking, problem-solving and content-area literacy. Mathematics standards, curriculum, data-informed instruction and assessment, supportive environment and professionalism for diverse classrooms, including English language learners, and students with special needs. Emphasis on best practices for young adolescent development and interdisciplinary learning. Field Experience: Required. Fee: Required. Prerequisite: C or higher in MAT-1411 and MAT-1805 or 55 or higher on ALEKS placement exam and MAT-1820 and MAT-2000 and MAT-2400 or MAT-2500 and MAT-3700 and EDMG-3000 and Acceptance into Teacher Candidacy. Offered: Spring.
EDMG-4907: Content and Methods for Middle Grades Science (3 hours)
Middle grades physical, life and earth sciences content with integration of inquiry, creative thinking, problem-solving and content-area literacy. Science standards, curriculum, data-informed instruction and assessment for diverse classrooms, including English language learners and students with special needs. Emphasis on best practices for young adolescent development and interdisciplinary learning. Cross-Listed: EDSC-4618. Field Experience: Required. Fee: Required. Prerequisite: C- or higher in NSCI-1110, NSCI-1120, EDUC-3400 and EDMG-3000 and Acceptance into Teacher Candidacy. Offered: Fall and Spring.
EDMG-4915: Special Topics: for Middle Grades (3 hours)
An in-depth study of a topic relevant to a current topic in the discipline or a topic of interest that is not addressed in other departmental courses. The course may be repeated for credit so long as the topic is different.
EDMG-4922: Classroom Management and Professionalism: Elementary and Middle Grades (3 hours)
Foundations for planning and implementing a positive classroom environment that is safe, healthy, motivating, and engaging for every student. This course is to be taken concurrently with Middle Grades Methods Block 1. Prerequisite: Acceptance into Teacher Candidacy. Cross-listed with EDEL-4922.
EDMG-4923: Assessment: Elementary and Middle Grades (3 hours)
Foundations, planning and implementation of effective classroom assessment to improve instruction and evaluate student learning. Prerequisite: Acceptance into Teacher Candidacy.
EDMG-4950: Independent Study in Middle Grades Education (1-6 hours)
EDMG-4970: Student Teaching Internship: Middle Grades (15 hours)
Internship in a 6-8 classroom(s) daily for the 16-week semester under the guidance of a classroom cooperating teacher and the supervision of the University. Illinois Professional Teaching Standards (2010) are assessed with the edTeacher Performance Assessment and other assessments. Seminar and colloquium participation is required. Prerequisite: Acceptance to the Internship Professional Semester.