DEAC-2600: Introduction to Deaconess Ministry (1 hour)
Orientation to the office and roles of the Lutheran deaconess. Exposure to various types of deaconess work. Reflection on attitudes and skills for ministry. Open to all students; required of students who intend to enter the Deaconess Program. Field Trip: Required. Field Experience: Required. Fee: Required. Replaces: THY-2600.
DEAC-3600: Deaconess Ethos and Formation (2 hours)
Exploration of the deaconess life of mercy formed by God's action in Word and Sacrament. Specific areas include, worship and devotions, community life, wellness, family life, attitudes and dispositions, hospitality, vocational ethics and etiquette. Field Trip: Required. Field Experience: Required. Fee: Required. Pre-requisite: One THY course. Replaces THY-3600.
DEAC-3650: Foundations of Deaconess Office (2 hours)
History and theology underpinning the deaconess vocation, including distinction of Law and Gospel, theology of mercy, women’s vocations in church history, LCMS history and polity. Field Trip: Required. Field Experience: Required. Fee: Required. Pre-requisite: C or higher in THY-2500. Replaces: THY-3650.
DEAC-4650: Deaconess Office (2 hours)
History, theology and expressions of the deaconess office from the Early Church through today. Diaconal roles of mercy, spiritual care, and teaching the Faith in church, world and institutions. Field Trip: May be Required. Field Experience: Required. Fee: May be Required. Pre-requisite: C or higher in DEAC-3650. Replaces: THY-4650.
DEAC-4660: Deaconess Practice: Mercy (2 hours)
Exploration of the deaconess role as advocate for mercy in congregations, church agencies and missions. Issues include cross-cultural sensitivity, the marginalized, and compassionate responses to persons and communities in distress. Topics include grant-writing, ethics of helping, and assessing and utilizing community and church resources. Required: Field Trip. Required: Field Experience. Required: Fee. Replaces THY-4660.
DEAC-4665: Deaconess Practice: Diaconal Care and Visitation (2 hours)
Exploration of soul care provided by the deaconess; application of God’s Word and worship amidst the storms of life. Special issues of care and visitation. Spiritual assessment and care plans. Ethics of soul care and visitation. Assessing and utilizing community and church resources. Field Trip: Required. Field Experience: Required. Fee: Required. Co-requisite: C or higher in DEAC-2600 and THY-2500. Replaces: THY-4665.
DEAC-4670: Deaconess Practice: Servant Leadership (2 hours)
Exploration of the deaconess as servant with focus on the leadership roles in a congregation, agency and mission. Topics include ethics, serving in a team, administrative roles and tasks, planning and implementing programs, coordination of volunteers, writing for the church. Field Trip: Required. Field Experience: Required. Fee: Required. Replaces: THY-4670.
DEAC-4675: Deaconess Practice: Teaching (2 hours)
Exploration of the deaconess as teacher, explaining and applying God’s Word with individuals and groups through the lifespan. Topics include God’s Word in prayer, Bible studies, devotions, class management, introduction to educational programming for youth and adults, and assessing and utilizing resources. Field Trip: Required. Field Experience: Required. Fee: Required. Replaces: THY-4675.
DEAC-4700: Ministry with Women (3 hours)
Spiritual caregiving and mercy during short- and long-term crises often faced by women and their families. Applying God's Word of Law and Gospel with the Theology of the Cross and mobilizing the Body of Christ for care. Assessing and utilizing church and community resources. Fee: Required. Prerequisite: C or higher in THY-3105 or THY-1100. Replaces: THY-4611.
DEAC-4800: Deaconess Field Experience (1 hour)
Beginning experience in the vocation of the Lutheran deaconess. Minimum 50 hours of supervised practicum in a congregation or institution. Attendance required at scheduled seminars including peer review and discussion of ministry issues. Deaconess students complete four semesters of DEAC-4800, usually two semesters each in an institution and in a congregation. The student is responsible for transportation to the site. Prerequisite: C or higher in THY-2500 and THY-3105. Replaces: THY-4631.
DEAC-4910: Special Topics: Deaconess (4 hours)
An in-depth study of a topic relevant to a current topic in the discipline or a topic of interest that is not addressed in other departmental courses. The course may be repeated for credit so long as the topic is different.
DEAC-4990: Internship: Deaconess (6-12 hours)
Relating classroom concepts to the practical ministry of the deaconess. Minimum of 5 months of full-time supervised practicum in a Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod congregation, recognized service organization, or mission. This course is open only to deaconess students. Students normally register for 2 consecutive semesters of DEAC-4990 to total 24 semester hours. With approval of the Deaconess Program Lead, students may substitute 6-12 hours of CLS-4900 to fulfill the Deaconess Program internship requirements. Pre-requisite: C or higher in DEAC-4650. Replaces: THY-4990.
DEAC-4992: Deaconess Certificate Internship (1 hour)
Relating classroom concepts to the practical ministry of the deaconess. Minimum of 5 months of full-time supervised practicum in a Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod congregation, recognized service organization, or mission. This course is open only to deaconess students who already hold a bachelor's degree. Fee: Required. Replaces: THY-4992.
DEAC-4993: Deaconess Certificate: International Internship (1 hour)
Relating classroom concepts to the practical ministry of the deaconess. Minimum of 5 months of full-time supervised practicum in a Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod congregation, recognized service organization, or mission outside of the United States. This course is open only to deaconess students who already hold a bachelor's degree and who will intern in an international setting. Fee: Required. Replaces: THY-4993.