2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Communications (COM)

COM-1100: Speech Communication (3 hours)

Performance of speeches leading to foundation skills common to successful oral communication, including communication theory, selection and organization of materials, verbal and non-verbal factors of delivery, listening techniques. IAI: C2900.

COM-2200: Introduction to Film Studies (3 hours)

Critical study of styles and forms of film produced as entertainment, art and education. IAI: F2908.

COM-2300: Interpersonal Communication (3 hours)

Theoretical knowledge of interpersonal (family, business, intimate, friendship) relationships. Develop skills for listening, conversation and conflict management.

COM-2400: Public Relations (3 hours)

Study and practice of public relations as a management function used to communicate with relevant internal and external publics in order to fulfill organizational goals. Replaces: MGT-4240.

COM-2600: World Perspectives Through Documentary (3 hours)

Examination of international documentaries and how they tell stories about human experience and mediate reality, with emphasis on non-Western content. Focus on Africa, Asia and South America. Replaces COM-2500.

COM-2900: Critical Media Literacy: Navigating Messages in a Digital Society (3 hours)

A critical look at media, addressing how media creates meaning and impacts our culture. Replaces COM-2850.

COM-3200: Business Communication (3 hours)

An advanced course to develop written and oral communication skills as they apply in the world of business. Prerequisite: C or higher in COM-1100. Cross-listed: MGT-3200.

COM-3220: Nonverbal Communication (3 hours)

An introduction to the dynamics of nonverbal communication through theory, application and research in order to increase knowledge, awareness and understanding of the role that nonverbal communication plays in various contexts.

COM-3250: The Art of Family Communication (3 hours)

This course examines and critiques the field of family communication, its concepts, theories and research, and is designed to create a better understanding of how our personal and professional lives are impacted by family communication. Replaces: COM-3210.

COM-3450: Film Genres (3 hours)

Examination of film genre by theme, cultural context, ideology and historical development. Selection of genre varies each term (e.g. science fiction, mystery, horror, noir, comedy, western, melodrama and musical). May be repeated as genre topic changes. Prerequisite: C or higher in COM-2200.

COM-3750: National Cinema (3 hours)

Study of films from various countries and subcultures. Varies by term (such as French, Japanese, Indian, African-American, Brazilian cinema). May be repeated as topic changes. Prerequisite: C or higher in COM-2200.

COM-4000: Communication Research and Writing (3 hours)

Provides an overview of qualitative and quantitative methods. Focuses on key qualitative communication research methods. Introduces students to developing research questions and hypotheses, and the methods used to test them.

COM-4110: Advanced Speech Communication (3 hours)

Public speaking as persuasion and dialogue. A performance course. Application of communication theory to the public speaking situation. Prerequisite: C or higher in COM-1100.

COM-4200: Media and Culture (3 hours)

An overview of critical media theory with focus on how media shape our cultural landscape. Replaces COM-4100.

COM-4230: Organizational and Team Communication (3 hours)

Principles and techniques of communication as applied to interactions within work, volunteer and informal organizations and teams.

COM-4250: Intercultural Communication (3 hours)

Principles and practices of communication as applied to interactions between people from different cultures.

COM-4260: Event Planning and Management (3 hours)

This course provides students with the knowledge about the field of event planning and management including research, planning, coordinating, promotion, implementation and evaluation of events.

COM-4310: Radio Production I (3 hours)

Radio broadcast management, writing and production. Also an emphasis on the effect of radio on the American culture. Laboratory Hours: Required.

COM-4311: Radio Production II (3 hours)

Performance of a variety of music formats as on-air show host. Emphasis on personality development, show preparation and format execution. Laboratory Hours: Required. Prerequisite: C or higher in COM-4310.

COM-4331: International Film History (3 hours)

History of international cinema from World War II to the present. Prerequisite: C or higher in COM-2200.

COM-4360: Media Production I (3 hours)

Laboratory experience in media production basics, covering cameras, editing, lighting, sound and storyboarding. Laboratory Hours: Required. Replaces: COM-4321. Prerequisite: C or higher in COM-2200.

COM-4361: Media Production II (3 hours)

Advanced laboratory experience in media production, covering camera, editing, lighting sound, scriptwriting, storyboarding and portfolio creation. Laboratory Hours: Required. Replaces: COM-4322. Prerequisite: C or higher in COM-4360.

COM-4364: Broadcast News Production (3 hours)

Techniques and practice of writing and producing broadcast news, including producing, script format, television studio equipment, on-camera news delivery and directing. Prerequisite: C or higher in COM-2200 and COM-4360.

COM-4450: WCGR Practicum I (1 hour)

Involvement in campus WCGR co-curricular television or radio station as Production Crew member, deejay, reporter, talent or other position in digital media production. Three hours may be applied to a Communication major or minor. May be repeated up to six times; practicum and COM internship combined credits not to exceed 15 credit hours maximum. Prerequisite: Faculty Advisor consent. Offered Pass/Fail only.

COM-4451: WCGR Practicum II (1.5 hours)

Involvement in campus WCGR co-curricular television or radio station as executive board member, producer/director or other major position in media production. Three hours may be applied to a Communication major or minor. May be repeated up to six times; practicum and COM internship combined credits not to exceed 15 credit hours maximum. Prerequisite: Faculty Advisor consent. Offered Pass/Fail only.

COM-4880: Independent Communication Research (3 hours)

Design, implementation and completion of student research project. Faculty mentoring required. Prerequisite: C or higher in COM-4000.

COM-4910: Topics in Communication (3 hours)

Selected current topics in communication as they relate to various settings. Topics vary each time the course is taught. A maximum of six semester hours may be applied to a Communication program.

COM-4950: Independent Study in Communication (1-6 hours)

Independent study course.

COM-4980: Senior Project (3 hours)

Independent work under the mentoring of a faculty member to synthesize and apply learning within the major. Required of all Communication majors. Project must be approved by the department or instructor. Replaces: CTH-4980.

COM-4990: Internship in Communication (3-12 hours)

Supervised involvement in a communication work-related experience. Three hours may be applied to a Communication major or minor. WCGR Practicum I and WCGR Practicum II and internship combined credits not to exceed 15 credit hours. Prerequisite: Communication majors and minors and Media Arts Administration majors (B.A.) with Junior or Senior standing and departmental consent.