2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Computer Information Systems (CIS)

CIS-1000: Foundations of Information Systems (3 hours)

An overview of the computing field and its typical applications. Covers key terminology and components of computer hardware, software and operating systems. In addition, covers an introduction to systems theory, development methods, management information systems and using application software and the Internet for problem solving. Concepts of organizations, information systems growth and process improvement. Professional societies’ codes of conduct, career opportunities.

CIS-1450: Elements and Practices of Web Design (3 hours)

Introduction to web design principles and practices for the development of professional websites. Application of principles to the creation of functional web pages using current and accessible web design software in a collaborative environment. Cross-Listed: ART-1450.

CIS-2430: Electronic Business (3 hours)

Introduction to e-business strategy and the development and architecture of e-business solutions and their components. Focus on organizational strategy and information technologies that connect individuals, businesses, governments and other organizations to each other. Prerequisite: C or higher in CIS-1000 or MGT-2022.

CIS-3450: Website Development (3 hours)

Technical aspects of website development, including: Internet protocols, cascading style sheets, interactivity, integration with databases and website security. Students will develop selected components of a website using a variety of tools and services. Prerequisite: C or higher in CSC-2620 or CSC-2510.

CIS-4400: Management Information Systems (3 hours)

The purpose, applications and management of information systems in the organization. Applications to corporate, public and private institutional settings. Prerequisite: C or higher in CIS-1000 or MGT-2022 and instructor consent.

CIS-4720: ACCA - CIS (3 hours)

Computer science courses are offered by the Associated Colleges of the Chicago Area (ACCA) at Argonne Laboratories. Information on specific courses may be obtained from the Mathematics and Computer Science Department. Prerequisite: Juniors and Seniors only, or instructor consent.

CIS-4900: Project Management and Practice (3 hours)

Project planning and management, interpersonal and communication skills are exercised in the analysis, design and implementation of a significant information systems project. Students must have completed 25 hours of computer science coursework. Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing and departmental consent.

CIS-4910: Current Topics in Computer Information Systems (3 hours)

Intensive encounter with current theory or practice in the discipline. Topics will be announced in advance and may vary each time offered. Maximum of 6 hours in CSC-4910 may be applied to a computer major or minor. Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing and consent of instructor.

CIS-4950: Independent Study: Computer Information Systems (1-6 hours)

CIS-4990: Internship: Computer Information Systems (3 hours)

Supervised involvement in computer-related work experience at an approved site. Open to Computer Science or Computer Information Systems majors. Prerequisite: 24 hours of coursework in Computer Science and consent of instructor.