2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Art (ART)

ART-1050: Introduction to Art Therapy (3 hours)

This course provides an introduction to the field of art therapy and other expressive arts where art created is used as a form of psychotherapy. Cross-Listed: PSY-1050. Field Trip: May be required. Fee: Required.

ART-1100: Introduction to the Visual Arts (3 hours)

Introduction to the visual arts of the Western world, with an emphasis upon artworks of the 20th century. Slides, films, lectures, discussions. Field Trip: Required. Fee: Required. IAI: F2900.

ART-1210: Two-Dimensional Basic Studio (3 hours)

Introduction to the various approaches to drawing, composition and problem solving, relative to two-dimensional visual design, utilizing a variety of media and techniques. Field Trip: Required. Fee: Required.

ART-1310: Three-Dimensional Basic Studio (3 hours)

Introduction to and exploration of basic three-dimensional design, using tools and materials to create forms and space that deal with the spatial problems of structure and aesthetics. Field Trip: Required. Fee: Required.

ART-1450: Elements and Practices of Web Design (3 hours)

Introduction to web design principles and practices for the development of professional websites. Application of principles to the creation of functional web pages using current and accessible web design software in a collaborative environment. Cross-Listed: CIS-1450.

ART-2050: Western Art: Pre-History through Renaissance (3 hours)

The study of Western art from prehistoric time through the Renaissance. Replaces: ART-4100. Fee: Required. IAI: F2901.

ART-2100: 2 D Animation (3 hours)

Principles of animation, storyboarding and 2D digital animation methods. Fee: Required.

ART-2150: Western Art: Post Renaissance through Contemporary (3 hours)

The study of Western Art Post Renaissance and through the Twenty First Century. Replaces: ART-4105. Field Trip(s): Required. Fee: Required. IAI: F2902.

ART-2200: Non-Western Art (3 hours)

Survey of visual art forms from non-Western areas including India, China, Japan, Africa, Oceania and art of the pre-Columbian American and the Native American. Field Trip: Required. Fee: Required. IAI: F2903N.

ART-2220: Drawing Studio (3 hours)

Foundation in the basic perceptual, expressive and design aspects of drawing. A wide variety of subject matter and techniques using traditional dry and wet media will be explored. Field Trip: Required. Fee: Required.

ART-2400: Graphic Design I (3 hours)

Introduction to graphic design with emphasis on the industry-standard software package, focusing on core concepts and techniques along with the technical production skills necessary to develop effective designs for print, web, and other applications. Introduces the basic principles and elements of graphic design, typography, color theory and the history of graphic design. Replaces: ART-2500. Field Trip: Required. Fee: Required.

ART-3000: 3D Animation (3 hours)

3D animation tools and methods used to produce original animation sequences. Apply traditional animation principles and storyboarding techniques to the production of 3D animated sequences. Fee: Required.

ART-3210: Painting Studio I (3 hours)

Introduction to the use and control of paint as an expressive medium. Creative study utilizing a variety of media, such as water color, gouache, acrylic, mixed-media and oil. Field Trip: Required. Fee: Required.

ART-3245: Digital Photography I (3 hours)

Basic theory and procedure of digital photography as an art form are studied. Instruction includes digital camera usage, basic computer editing, fundamentals of composition and photo presentation. Field Trip: Required. Fee: Required. Cameras can be provided.

ART-3310: Ceramic Studio I (3 hours)

Introduction to ceramic materials and techniques, including hand-built and wheel-thrown methods. Slides and demonstrations. Field Trip: Required. Fee: Required.

ART-3320: Figure Drawing Studio (3 hours)

Introduction to rendering the human figure in a realistic manner with keen attention to anatomical proportion via studying the poses and movements of live models. Elements of art and principles of design will be investigated while using a wide variety of drawing techniques. Field Trip: Required. Fee: Required.

ART-3400: Graphic Design II (3 hours)

Emphasizes the use of industry-standard page layout software in an exploration of graphic design through the integration of typography and imagery from planning, conceptualization, and creation. Major themes include: contrast, text/image collage, hierarchy, grid systems, and extended layouts, including catalogs, magazine, and brochures. Replaces: ART-4510. Field Trip: Required. Fee: Required. Prerequisite: C or higher in ART-2400.

ART-4210: Painting Studio II (3 hours)

Further study of paint in the contexts of image and abstraction. Some larger scale/independent works will be included. Acrylic and mixed media problems. Field Trip: Required. Fee: Required. Prerequisite: C or higher in ART-3210.

ART-4231: Printmaking Studio I (3 hours)

Methods and materials of various fine art printmaking media; such as monotype, monoprint, drypoint, intagio (etching, collograph, etc.), linoleum, woodcuts and experimental techniques. Field Trip: Required. Fee: Required.

ART-4232: Printmaking Studio II (3 hours)

Advanced study and work in various printmaking techniques in intaglio and relief, and experimental methods. Field Trip: Required. Fee: Required. Prerequisite: C or higher in ART-4231, or instructor consent.

ART-4245: Digital Photography II (3 hours)

Advanced theory and procedure of digital photography as an art and commercial form is studied. Instruction includes advanced digital camera usage, advanced computer editing and advanced photo presentation. Field trips required. Fee: Required. Prerequisite: C or higher in ART-3245 or instructor consent. Cameras can be provided.

ART-4310: Ceramic Studio II (3 hours)

Advanced techniques in ceramic construction and experiments in both hand building and wheel throwing. Firing techniques and introduction to glaze calculation. Field Trip: Required. Fee: Required. Prerequisite: C or higher in ART-3310.

ART-4330: Jewelry (3 hours)

Techniques in the design and execution of jewelry, includes casting, fabrication, piercing and enameling. Field Trip: Required. Fee: Required.

ART-4350: Artists' Books (3 hours)

Emphasis is placed on the book as an expressive art format. Students work in their chosen media to create one-of-a-kind, editions and/or altered books. Book structures, paper, text and imagery are explored as well as the book as metaphor. Field Trip: Required. Fee: Required.

ART-4400: Graphic Design III (3 hours)

Emphasizes advanced techniques with industry-standard vector and raster image-creation software to focus on the originality of imagery and creation techniques to create professional quality images. Development of visual identity systems for organizations and identity design to express core values and impact consumer perceptions of brand. Replaces: ART-4520. Field Trip: Required. Fee: Required. Prerequisite: C or higher in ART-3400.

ART-4430: Fiber Arts Studio (3 hours)

Introduction into the creation, processes and manipulation of paper, cloth and other natural materials. Two- and three-dimensional surfaces will be considered. Historical, gender and cultural content of fiber works covered. Field Trip: Required. Fee: Required.

ART-4700: Professional Strategies for the Visual Artist (3 hours)

Career development for practicing visual artists and art advocates is explored including the preparation of art for exhibitions, documentation of art and portfolio, resume and promotional development. This practical and technical knowledge positions students to thrive in a wide variety of art environments. Field Trip: Required. Fee: Required. Prerequisite: Senior standing as an art major or minor (Arts, Sciences, or Education) or department consent.

ART-4910: Topics in the Visual Arts (3 hours)

A focused study of specific topic of historical or contemporary interest in the visual arts. The topics offered will vary and will include either a lecture approach, studio approach or a combination of the two. May take course twice if topics differ. Field Trip: Required. Fee: Required.

ART-4950: Independent Study in Art (1-6 hours)

Fee: Required.

ART-4990: Internship in the Graphic Arts (1-9 hours)

Supervised involvement in graphic design work experience and development of an art portfolio. Fee: Required. Prerequisite: C or higher in ART-4400 and department consent.

ART-4991: Internship in Art (9 hours)

Supervised involvement in arts-related work experience and development of an art portfolio. Open to students with an art major or minor with senior standing and department consent. Fee: Required.