ACC-2050: Financial Accounting (3 hours)
This course introduces the basics of financial accounting to record, store and summarize economic events of the business enterprise to meet internal and external reporting needs. Emphasis is placed on accrual accounting concepts, data gathering techniques, account ledgers, journals, worksheets, preparing and analyzing financial statements and other financial reports for management and the public based on the accounting equation. Topics include ethical practice, corporate social responsibility, corporate accounting for current and long term assets and current liabilities, and the corporate income statement. Replaces: ACC-2000 and ACC 2001.
ACC-2150: Managerial Accounting (3 hours)
Business Accounting for Leaders is a sequel course to financial accounting. It explores the managerial aspects of accounting and the critical role of accounting in managing a business. The course introduces managerial accounting and internal reporting. Topics include the statement of cash flows, financial statement analysis, budgeting and variance analysis, job costing for the service sector and cost analysis for decision-making, debt financing, and the reporting of assets. The course emphasizes the identification and assignment of product costs, operation budgeting and planning, costs control, and management decision-making. Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in ACC 2001. Replaces: ACC 2101 .
ACC-2200: Accounting & Financial Management of Small Business (3 hours)
Accounting for and recording of basic business transactions, the monthly accounting close, year end and tax return preparation for a small, closely held for-profit business. Cash flow issues and the role of accounting and financial data in day-to-day management. Software selection, implementation, use and up-grading. Prerequisite: C or higher in ACC-2101.
ACC-3100: Intermediate Accounting I (3 hours)
Details of the accounting system and financial statements. Inventory, gross profit, receivables and long-lived assets, short-term liabilities, long-term debt. Prerequisite: C or higher in ACC-2101.
ACC-3200: Intermediate Accounting II (3 hours)
Details of equity accounting. Capital, earnings, general liabilities, leases, pensions, bonds, taxes. Time value of money. Prerequisite: C or higher in ACC-3100.
ACC-4200: Advanced Accounting (3 hours)
Consolidated statements, inter-corporate investments, sales and profit, pooling, segments and foreign affiliates. Prerequisite: C or higher in ACC-3200.
ACC-4300: Individual Tax Accounting (3 hours)
Accounting for tax laws that affect individuals. Prerequisite: C or higher in ACC-2101.
ACC-4400: Business Tax Accounting (3 hours)
Accounting for taxes in corporations, partnerships and other business entities. Types of taxes as these apply to business form and operation. Prerequisite: C or higher in ACC-4300.
ACC-4500: Cost Accounting (3 hours)
Cost analysis; standard cost, overhead cost, joint and by-product cost. Variance analysis and cost control. Profit centers and transfer pricing. Prerequisite: C or higher in ACC-2101.
ACC-4610: Auditing (3 hours)
Auditing procedures and standards, internal control, documentation, confirmation and reporting. Prerequisite: C or higher in ACC-2101.
ACC-4700: Accounting in Not-for-Profit Organizations (3 hours)
Accounting structure, budgeting process and reporting procedures used in nonprofit organizations. Organizations emphasized include schools, health agencies, churches and governmental agencies. Prerequisite: C or higher in ACC-2101.
ACC-4910: Special Topics : Accounting (3 hours)
An in-depth study of a topic relevant to a current topic in the discipline or a topic of interest that is not addressed in other departmental courses. The course may be repeated for credit so long as the topic is different.
ACC-4950: Independent Study in Accounting (1-6 hours)
ACC-4990: Internship in Accounting (3 hours)
Supervised experiential learning related to accounting in the workplace. To be considered for academic credit, the student must have earned 18 hours of credit in the business core. An application is made to the College of Business in the term prior to the internship. Students must have a GPA of 3.0 in their major and junior/senior standing. Prerequisite: C or higher in ACC-2101, ACC-2200, MGT-2001, and MKT-2101.