2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Music Minor

Minor Requirements

Music Theory (10 hours)
MUS-2112Aural Skills I2
MUS-2113Music Theory I: Diatonic3
MUS-2122Aural Skills II2
MUS-2123Music Theory II: Chromatic3
Music History (3 hours)
MUS-3213History of Western Music to 17503
or MUS-3223 History of Western Music 1750-1900
Performance Studies (4 hours)
Applied Music
(select 4 credits at 1.0 hours per semester for 4 semesters from courses below)4
Applied Piano for Majors I
and Applied Piano for Majors II
Applied Harpsichord Majors I
Applied Organ for Majors I
and Applied Organ for Majors II
Applied Voice for Majors I
and Applied Voice for Majors II
Applied Flute for Majors I
and Applied Flute for Majors II
Applied Oboe for Majors I
and Applied Oboe for Majors II
Applied Clarinet for Majors I
and Applied Clarinet for Majors II
Applied Saxophone for Majors I
and Applied Saxophone Majors II
Applied Bassoon for Majors I
and Applied Bassoon for Majors II
Applied Trumpet for Majors I
and Applied Trumpet for Majors II
Applied Horn for Majors I
and Applied Horn for Majors II
Applied Trombone for Majors I
and Applied Trombone for Majors II
Applied Euphonium for Majors I
and Applied Euphonium Majors II
Applied Tuba for Majors I
and Applied Tuba for Majors II
Applied Percussion Majors I
and Applied Percussion Majors II
Applied Violin for Majors I
and Applied Violin for Majors II
Applied Viola for Majors I
Applied Cello for Majors I
and Applied Cello for Majors II
Applied String Bass Majors I
Applied Guitar for Majors I
and Applied Guitar for Majors II
Applied Harp for Majors I
Music Convocation (select .5 hours per semester for 4 semesters)2
Music Convocation
Music Convocation
Music Convocation
Music Convocation
Music Convocation
Music Convocation
Primary Ensemble Membership ( 1 hour)
Select .5 hours for two semesters from one of the following ensembles:1
Schola Cantorum
Wind Symphony
Chamber Orchestra
Electives (3 hours)
Select a course with a MUS prefix at the 3000 level or higher3
Total Hours23

Minors can be added to a major so long as the programs of study are different and all courses must be completed. A student cannot be awarded a degree with just a minor. Courses within the minor can double count in the major as long as 1/3 of the courses are unique to the major or any other minor.