2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Global Studies Minor

Minor Requirements

Required Courses
GEO-1200World Geography: Culture Patterns3
or ATH-2020 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Select 18 hours from the following: 118
Social Sciences
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (if not taken above)
World Perspectives Through Documentary
National Cinema
Intercultural Communication
World Geography: Culture Patterns (if not taken above)
The Developing World
International Relations
International Humanitarian Law
International Security
Introduction to Comparative Politics
American Foreign Policy
Global Terrorism
Globalization & Social Change
Human Rights in the Contemporary Era
Relevant Special Topics and Honors courses
Non-Western Art
Non-Western Literature
Survey of World History to 1500
Survey of the World Since 1500
Twentieth Century World History
Non-Western Historical Studies
Classical World Literature
Modern World Literature
Music of World Cultures
Relevant Special Topics and Honors courses
Foreign Langauge 2
Elementary Spanish I
Elementary Spanish II
Intermediate Spanish I 3
Intermediate Spanish II 3
Advanced Spanish Conversation and Composition 3
Introduction to Spanish Literature
Intro to Hispanic Linguistics
Latin American Cultures and Civilization
Hispanic Cultures in the United States
Studies in Latin American Literature
Latin American Short Stories
Studies in Spanish Literature
Total Hours21

At least one course must be from the arts/humanities group, at least one course must be from the social sciences group, and at least two courses must be above the 2000 level.


Maximum of three courses can count toward the minor.


Includes CLEP or AP credit, as well as language credit earned at another university. In addition, credit hours gained during study abroad apply if earned in courses that focus on foreign language or some other element of international culture, history, geography, sociology, politics or business.

Minors can be added to a major so long as the programs of study are different and all courses must be completed. A student cannot be awarded a degree with just a minor. Courses within the minor can double count in the major as long as 1/3 of the courses are unique to the major or any other minor.