2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Ancient & Post-Classical Mediterranean Studies Minor

Minor Requirements

Ancient Languages Courses
Select a maximum of 11 hours from the following:11
Hebrew I
Hebrew II
Hebrew Readings II
Readings in Hebrew I
Independent Study in Hebrew or Aramaic
Greek I
Greek II
Readings in Johannine Lit
Greek Readings in Johannine Literature
Intermediate Greek Readings
Latin I
Latin II
Independent Study in Latin
Historical/Cultural Courses
Select at least two courses within ART, ENG, HIS, POS, THY:10
Western Art: Pre-History through Renaissance
Greek & Roman Mythology
Classical World Literature
Survey of World History to 1500
Ancient Greek and Roman Civilizations
Classical and Medieval Political Theory
History of Israel (B)
Wisdom Writings (B)
The Four Gospels (B)
Paul the Apostle (B)
Mediterranean Perspectives (B) (H) (Course may be used for minor when travel is in a country(ies) within the Mediterranean Basin)
Total Hours21

Minors can be added to a major so long as the programs of study are different and all courses must be completed. A student cannot be awarded a degree with just a minor. Courses within the minor can double count in the major as long as 1/3 of the courses are unique to the major or any other minor.