2025-2026 Academic Catalog


Pre-Seminary Program

The Pre-Seminary Program is not itself a degree program. Rather, it designates coursework to be taken within the College of Theology, Art & Humanities or within the College of Education. (Pre-Seminary students pursuing majors in the College of Education should consult the Secondary Education Lutheran Teacher Education (LTE) track in the academic catalog for program requirements). Students completing all the prescribed coursework will be identified as having completed the Pre-Seminary Program on their transcripts.  This program will meet all academic entrance requirements for both seminaries of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.

To complete this program successfully, students must have earned a minimum GPA of 2.75 for all prescribed Theology requirements. All courses used in the GPA calculations must have a grade of C or better and cannot be taken under the Pass/Fail grade option.

Pre-Seminary Liberal Arts Track

  • Choose any Liberal Arts major. 
    • Recommended: Theological Languages
    • Suggested: English, History, Philosophy, Theology, Classical Liberal Studies
  • Choose one or more of the following Liberal Arts Minors (cannot duplicate major area).
    • Recommended: Biblical Languages (not available with a Theological Languages major)
    • Suggested:  Ancient and Post-Classical Mediterranean Studies, English, History, Philosophy, Classical Liberal Studies, Classical Pedagogy

Note: Pre-Seminary students in the Liberal Arts track who successfully complete the program will do all the required coursework to complete a Theology minor and a Biblical Languages minor.

Pre-Seminary Lutheran Teacher Educator Track

In addition to the coursework below, the additional coursework required is from the secondary education Lutheran Teacher Education (LTE) degree track through the College of Education, which can be found in that respective section in the academic catalog.

Required Philosophy Course
Select 1 of the 2 courses from list below3
Primer in Philosophy
Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion
Required Theology Courses
THY-2010Introduction to the Old Testament (B)3
THY-2500Martin Luther's Small and Large Catechisms (S)3
THY-3105Introduction to the New Testament (B)3
THY-3320Survey of Church History (H)3
Select 2 of the 3 courses from list below6
The Augsburg Confession and its Apology (S)
The Ancient Creeds, the Smalcald Articles, and the Treaties (S)
The Formula of Concord (S)
Elective (encouraged , but not required)
Encountering Religion in America (CS)
Required Language Courses
GRE-2000Greek I4
GRE-2100Greek II4
HEB-2000Hebrew I4
HEB-2100Hebrew II4
Select 4 hours from the following 14
Greek Readings in Johannine Literature
Readings in Johannine Lit
Intermediate Greek Readings
Hebrew Readings I
Readings in Hebrew I

At least one hour in a Greek Readings course and at least one hour in a Hebrew Readings course. These courses may be repeated multiple times.