2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Exercise Science Minor

Minor Requirements

Required Courses
PES-1010Fitness and Wellness1
PES-1119Weight Training and Cardiovascular Activities2
PES-3400Applied Anatomy and Physiology4
or BIO-2111 Anatomy and Physiology I (With Lab)
PES-4420Physiology of Exercise3
PES-4980Practicum: Health and Exercise Science6
Select six hours from the following:6
First Aid Safety and Injury Prevention
Foundations of Exercise and Sport Science
Principles of Coaching/Officiating
Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries
Group Fitness Theories and Methods
Senior Fitness Theories and Methods
General Nutrition
Fitness Activities and Technology
Exercise and Sport Nutrition
Fitness Testing and Exercise Prescription
Drug Education
Physical Growth/Motor Development
Physical Activities for Children with Special Needs
Management of Physical Activity Programs
Measurement and Evaluation of Human Performance
Independent Study in Physical Education
Total Hours25

Minors can be added to a major so long as the programs of study are different and all courses must be completed. A student cannot be awarded a degree with just a minor. Courses within the minor can double count in the major as long as 1/3 of the courses are unique to the major or any other minor.