2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Criminal Justice Minor

Minor Requirements

SOC-2010Introduction to Sociology3
CRJ-2400Criminal Justice3
CRJ-4520Criminological Theory3
Select nine hours from the following:9
Race, Ethnicity, and Racism in the U.S.
American Legal Process
Substantive Criminal Law
Procedural Criminal Law
Probation, Parole and Re-entry
Juvenile Delinquency
Law & Society
Sociology of Corrections
Sociology of Policing
Theories in Policing
Legal Parameters of Policing
Community-Police Relations
Gangs and Society
Special Topics
Special Topics in Sociology
Total Hours18

Minors can be added to a major so long as the programs of study are different and all courses must be completed. A student cannot be awarded a degree with just a minor. Courses within the minor can double count in the major as long as 1/3 of the courses are unique to the major or any other minor.