2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Endorsement Options

Additional Endorsements may be added to Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle Grades, Secondary, Special Education, and PK-12 Licensure. 

Teacher Education Candidates are strongly recommended to add at least one endorsement to their Professional Educator License. The following endorsements are available at Concordia University Chicago. Be sure to check with your College of Education Faculty Advisor regarding the required Illinois Licensure Content Tests.

English as a Second Language Endorsement (18 Credit Hours)

The following courses form the 18 hours required by the state of Illinois for an ESL endorsement and meet the requirements of the state of Illinois statute requiring all ECE candidates graduating July 1, 2014 or later to have the ESL endorsement. These courses are included in the ECE major and are not required in addition to the requirements of the major.

Required Courses18
Teaching in Diverse Classrooms
Emergent Literacy
Theoretical Foundations of Teaching ESL Students
Linguistics and Language Development for Diverse Learners
Management and Assessment in Classrooms with Bilingual Learners
Content and Methods of Teaching ESL
100 hours of field experience in ESL classrooms is required

Elementary Education Endorsement (18 Credit Hours)

Required Courses18
Human and Cognitive Development
Content and Methods for Elementary Literacy
Content and Methods for Elementary Social Sciences
Content and Methods for Elementary Math
Content and Methods for Elementary Science
Assessment: Elementary and Middle Grades

 Middle Grades Literacy Education Endorsement (18 Credit Hours)

Required Course3
Content and Methods for Middle Grades Literacy
Choose 5 additional Literacy courses from the list below 15
Speech Communication
Intercultural Communication
Literacy Instruction in the Content Areas
English Composition
Writing About Literature
Non-Western Literature
African American Literature
Classical World Literature
British Literature II

Middle Grades Math Education Endorsement (18 Credit Hours)

Choose 6 courses from list below18
Content and Methods for Middle Grades Math
Content and Methods of Middle/Secondary Math
Discrete Mathematics
Problem Solving with Number Theory
Calculus for Business and Life Sciences
Calculus I
Calculus II
Probability and Statistics
Calculus III
Differential Equations
History of Mathematics
Mathematical Proof
Linear Algebra
College Geometry
Group Theory
Probability Theory
Mathematical Statistics
Real Analysis
Complex Analysis

Middle Grades Science Education Endorsement (18 Credit Hours)

Required Course3
Content and Methods for Middle Grades Science
Choose 15 additional credits in Life, Physical or Earth Science from the list below15
General Biology I (With Lab)
General Biology II (With Lab)
Fundamentals of Microbiology (With Lab)
Microbiology (With Lab)
General Chemistry I (With Lab)
General Chemistry II (With Lab)
Organic Chemistry I (With Lab)
Biochemistry (With Lab)
Elementary Physics I (With Lab)

Middle Grades Social Science Education Endorsement (18 Credit Hours)

Required Course3
Content and Methods for Middle Grades Social Science
Select 15 additional credits from the social science list below15
Geography of North America
The Developing World
History of the American People to 1877
History of the American People since 1877
A History of Illinois
Seminar in Writing and Researching History
The Age of Reform, 1400-1650
Europe In Our Time: 1918-Present
Rise and Decline of Modern Europe: 1799-1918
Antebellum America
Contemporary America
The American Religious Experience
Twentieth Century World History
Non-Western Historical Studies
American Government and Politics

Secondary Literacy Education Endorsement (18 Credit Hours)

Choose 6 Literacy courses from the list below18
Speech Communication
Intercultural Communication
Content and Methods of Middle/Secondary English
Literacy Instruction in the Content Areas
English Composition
Writing About Literature
Non-Western Literature
African American Literature
Classical World Literature
British Literature II

Secondary Math Education Endorsement (18 Credit Hours)

Choose 6 courses from the list below18
Content and Methods of Middle/Secondary Math
Problem Solving with Number Theory
Calculus for Business and Life Sciences
Calculus I
Calculus II
Probability and Statistics
Calculus III
Differential Equations
History of Mathematics
Mathematical Proof
Linear Algebra
College Geometry
Group Theory
Probability Theory
Mathematical Statistics
Real Analysis
Complex Analysis

Secondary Science (Biology) Education Endorsement (18 credit hours)

Choose 12 credit hours in Biology and 6 credit hours in both Life Science and Physical Science from the list below18
General Biology I (With Lab)
General Biology II (With Lab)
Fundamentals of Microbiology (With Lab)
Microbiology (With Lab)
Genetics (With Lab)
General Chemistry I (With Lab)
General Chemistry II (With Lab)
Organic Chemistry I (With Lab)
Biochemistry (With Lab)
Elementary Physics I (With Lab)

Secondary Social Science (History) Education Endorsement (18 Credit Hours)

Choose 12 credit hours in History and 6 credit hours in one other Social Science area18
Geography of North America
The Developing World
History of the American People to 1877
History of the American People since 1877
A History of Illinois
The Age of Reform, 1400-1650
Europe In Our Time: 1918-Present
Rise and Decline of Modern Europe: 1799-1918
Antebellum America
Contemporary America
The American Religious Experience
Twentieth Century World History
Non-Western Historical Studies
American Government and Politics

Special Education Endorsement (20 Hours)

All required 20
Characteristics and Instruction of Exceptional Learners
Must be taken concurrently in the Fall
Characteristics of Students with Special Needs: High Incidence
Instructional Strategies and Curricular Adaptations for Students with Special Needs: High Incidence
Assessment of Individuals with Disabilities
Must be taken concurrently in the Spring
Characteristics of Students with Special Needs: Low Incidence
Instructional Strategies and Curriculum Adaptations for Student with Special Needs: Low Incidence