2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Elementary Education

The 120 credit-hour minimum is achievable by using specific courses that meet both general education requirements and the Elementary Education major curriculum requirements. We recommend students work with their faculty advisor.

The Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education degree leads to the state of Illinois Professional Educator Licensure in Elementary Education. Elementary Education majors must complete all requirements of the College of Education to be eligible for licensure. Illinois Licensure for Elementary Educators will be inclusive for grades 1-6.

Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) are general education courses Concordia-Chicago agrees to accept in lieu of comparable, lower-division general education requirements. For more information regarding IAI transfer credit, please see the Illinois Board of Higher Education’s Transfer website at www.itransfer.org.

Courses with an * are part of the major and they require a C or higher grade. 

University Requirements 

COL-1995Vocation and College Success1
Transfer students are exempt from this course

Theology – Public Teacher Education (6 Hours)

Biblical Studies Course
THY-1100The Bible (B)3
Theological Studies Course
THY-1210Introduction to Christianity (S)3

General Education Requirements

Communication (9 Hours)

ENG-1100English Composition 13
ENG-2000Writing About Literature 13
The above courses must pass with a C or higher per IAI requirements.
COM-1100Speech Communication (*)3

Humanities (9 Hours)

Humanities 3
Required Course
The HIS courses below require a grade of C or higher
History of the American People to 1877 (*)
History of the American People since 1877
Fine Arts: Select one course3
Introduction to the Visual Arts
Two-Dimensional Basic Studio
Three-Dimensional Basic Studio
Western Art: Pre-History through Renaissance
Western Art: Post Renaissance through Contemporary
Non-Western Art
Introduction to Film Studies
World Perspectives Through Documentary
Exploration of Music
Survey of Western Music
Music of World Cultures
History of Jazz
Introduction to Theater
Select one Humanities or Fine Arts from the following 3
Introduction to the Visual Arts
Two-Dimensional Basic Studio
Three-Dimensional Basic Studio
Non-Western Art
Western Art: Pre-History through Renaissance
Western Art: Post Renaissance through Contemporary
American Sign Language I
American Sign Language II
Introduction to Film Studies
World Perspectives Through Documentary
Literature for Children, Adolescents and Young Adults (This is an ISBE requirement *)
Non-Western Literature
U.S. Latina/o Literature(s)
Greek & Roman Mythology
African American Literature
Classical World Literature
Modern World Literature
German for Reading I
German for Reading II
Greek I
Greek II
Hebrew I
Hebrew II
Survey of Early Modern Europe, 1350-1815
Survey of Modern Europe Since 1815
Survey of World History to 1500
Survey of the World Since 1500
A History of Illinois
Arts and Ideas
Intro to American Cultural Studies
Latin I
Latin II
Exploration of Music
Survey of Western Music
Music of World Cultures
History of Jazz
Primer in Philosophy
Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion
Introduction to Logic
Elementary Spanish I
Elementary Spanish II
Intermediate Spanish I
Intermediate Spanish II
Introduction to Theater

Social and Behavioral Sciences (9 Hours)

Required Courses
EDUC-2020Human and Cognitive Development (This is an ISBE requirement *)3
GEO-1200World Geography: Culture Patterns (*)3
Select one additional course from the following list as needed to total nine hours of Social and Behavioral Sciences:3
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Principles of Macroeconomics
Geography of North America
The Developing World
Introduction to Global Cultural Studies
Engaging Diversity: U.S. Perspectives
American Government and Politics
International Relations
Introduction to Comparative Politics
General Psychology
The Mind and the Brain
Developmental Psychology: Life Span
Child and Adolescent Psychology
Social Psychology
Introduction to Sociology
Race, Ethnicity, and Racism in the U.S.

Physical and Life Science (7-8 Hours)

All College of Education students must complete coursework in the following areas: biology, chemistry or earth science. At least one of the courses in science must include a lab. 

Physical and Life Science Courses
Select 2-3 science courses from the list below (at least one Physical Science and one Life Science)7-8 hours
Physical Science courses
Consumer Chemistry (With Lab)
Chemistry in the World Today
Health Science Applications in Chemistry
Fundamentals of Chemistry (With Lab)
General Chemistry I (With Lab)
General Chemistry II (With Lab)
Introduction to Organic and Biological Chemistry (With Lab)
Elements of Earth Science (With Lab)
Energy and Our Environment (With Lab)
Introduction to Sustainability (With Lab)
Physics of Things We Use (With Lab)
Life Science course list
Biology in the World Today (With Lab)
Medical Terminology
General Biology I (With Lab)
General Biology II (With Lab)
Anatomy and Physiology I (With Lab)
Anatomy and Physiology II (With Lab)
Fundamentals of Microbiology (With Lab)

Mathematics (3 Hours)

MAT-1805College Algebra3

Theology – Church Worker Studies Minor (21 Hours)
For more information click below:

Church Worker Studies