In the College of Education, there are two-degree programs that result in a certification as a commissioned minister in the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod: Lutheran Teacher Education and Director of Christian Education. Students desiring entry into a public ministry in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod must maintain minimum GPA standards listed below. In addition, courses cannot be taken under the Pass/Fail grade option.
The Lutheran Teacher Education (LTE) Program coursework can be added to any of the degrees below:
- BS-Early Childhood Education
- BS-Elementary Education
- BS-Middle Grades Education
- BS-Secondary Education
- BS-Special Education
- BME, Music Education
- BA-PK-12 Visual Art Education
- BS-PK-12 Physical Education
- BA-PK-12 Spanish Education
The required coursework to be certified by the Faculty to enter into the Educational Ministry of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod as a Commissioned Minister of the Gospel must be completed. Successful completion of the courses with a GPA of 2.75 in the LTE courses is required to be eligible to receive a Call to teach in the educational institutions of the Church. Students completing all the prescribed coursework will be identified as having completed a Theology Minor on their transcripts. With this minor and the Early Childhood Education Studies degree, candidates are able to receive positions in preschool and daycare programs where licensure is not required.
General Undergraduate Admission Requirements
All applicants must meet the general admission requirements for Concordia University Chicago undergraduate programs as published in the Concordia University Chicago academic catalog.
New students are accepted into undergraduate degree-seeking programs for online (ADP) and on-campus (Traditional) study in the fall and spring semesters. If you have any questions please work with your admissions advisors.
Lutheran Teacher Education Program
The Lutheran Teacher Education (LTE) Program coursework can be added to any level of teacher preparation. The required coursework to be certified by the faculty to enter into the Educational Ministry of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod as a Commissioned Minister of the Gospel can be found on the following pages within each education major. Successful completion of the courses with a GPA of 2.75 in the LTE courses is required to be eligible to receive a Call to teach in the educational institutions of the Church. Students completing all the prescribed coursework will be identified as having completed an 18-credit hour Theology minor on their transcripts.
Code | Title | Hours |
Required Methods Course | ||
EDUC-4900 | Lutheran Teacher: Vocation and Methods | 3 |
Theology (2.75 GPA Required) | ||
Required Courses | ||
THY-2010 | Introduction to the Old Testament (B) 2 | 3 |
THY-2500 | Martin Luther's Small and Large Catechisms (S) | 3 |
THY-3105 | Introduction to the New Testament (B) | 3 |
THY-3320 | Survey of Church History (H) | 3 |
Select two courses from the list below | 6 | |
The Augsburg Confession and its Apology (S) | ||
The Ancient Creeds, the Smalcald Articles, and the Treaties (S) | ||
The Formula of Concord (S) | ||
Total credits 21 |
Director of Christian Education
The Director of Christian Education (DCE) Program is a major that leads to certification as a Commissioned Minister in the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. In addition to the Christian Education major, a theology minor of 18 credits is included, plus an additional minor is selected as well. All DCE major courses and theology courses must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.75 with no courses under C- accepted. An overall GPA of 2.75 is also required. Students completing the DCE major will become eligible to receive a Call to serve in the parish ministries of the Church. See DCE program here or it is listed under College of Education for requirements
Combination of DCE/LTE
Another option includes a dual degree of Lutheran Teacher Education and Director of Christian Education. When completed, a graduate may receive a Call to serve in either a school or parish ministry in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
Graduation Requirements
Students in the College of Education must meet all University requirements found in the Academic Information section of this catalog. Specific requirements of the College of Education include the following:
- Earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 for all college-level coursework completed at CUC.
- A minimum grade of C or higher is required for all courses taken in a CUC CoE program.
The College of Education Initial Licensure Program has a stipulation indicating that students in the COE may not take any course as Pass/Fail without permission of the Division Chair or College Dean. Students may not take a course as Pass/Fail, including courses with the following course codes - EDEC, EDEL, EDMG, EDSC, EDSP, EDKS and EDUC. The student teaching internship course and the edTPA course are excluded from this policy because they are automatically Pass/Fail. General education courses outside of the required licensure programs may be taken as Pass/Fail if they are in alignment with the University policy.
In addition to the overall minimum credits for the degree major, minor, endorsement, and special programs (Honors Program for example) requirements are also necessary if they have been declared. Deficiency in any area of the program will delay awarding of the degree and will require filing of a new intent to graduate. Students may elect to drop minors, additional endorsements, or other special programs if they present an obstacle to graduation.