General Education Requirements
Communication (9 Hours)
Course List Code | Title | Hours |
ENG-1100 | English Composition | 3 |
ENG-2000 | Writing About Literature | 3 |
| |
COM-1100 | Speech Communication | 3 |
Humanities and Fine Arts (9 Hours)
Course List Code | Title | Hours |
| American Sign Language I | |
| American Sign Language II | |
| Non-Western Literature | |
| U.S. Latina/o Literature(s) | |
| Greek & Roman Mythology | |
| African American Literature | |
| Classical World Literature | |
| Modern World Literature | |
| German for Reading I | |
| German for Reading II | |
| Greek I | |
| Greek II | |
| Hebrew I | |
| Hebrew II | |
| Survey of Early Modern Europe, 1350-1815 | |
| Survey of Modern Europe Since 1815 | |
| History of the American People to 1877 | |
| History of the American People since 1877 | |
| Survey of World History to 1500 | |
| Survey of the World Since 1500 | |
| U.S. Women's History | |
| African American History | |
| Hispanic and Latino American History | |
| Ancient Greek and Roman Civilizations | |
| A History of Illinois | |
| Latin I | |
| Latin II | |
| Primer in Philosophy | |
| Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion | |
| Introduction to Logic | |
| Elementary Spanish I | |
| Elementary Spanish II | |
| Intermediate Spanish I | |
| Intermediate Spanish II | |
| Introduction to the Visual Arts | |
| Two-Dimensional Basic Studio | |
| Three-Dimensional Basic Studio | |
| Western Art: Pre-History through Renaissance | |
| Western Art: Post Renaissance through Contemporary | |
| Non-Western Art | |
| Introduction to Film Studies | |
| World Perspectives Through Documentary | |
| Exploration of Music | |
| Survey of Western Music | |
| Music of World Cultures | |
| History of Jazz | |
| Introduction to Theater | |
| Introduction to the Visual Arts | |
| Two-Dimensional Basic Studio | |
| Three-Dimensional Basic Studio | |
| Western Art: Pre-History through Renaissance | |
| Western Art: Post Renaissance through Contemporary | |
| Non-Western Art | |
| American Sign Language I | |
| American Sign Language II | |
| Introduction to Film Studies | |
| World Perspectives Through Documentary | |
| Non-Western Literature | |
| U.S. Latina/o Literature(s) | |
| Greek & Roman Mythology | |
| African American Literature | |
| Classical World Literature | |
| Modern World Literature | |
| German for Reading I | |
| German for Reading II | |
| Greek I | |
| Greek II | |
| Hebrew I | |
| Hebrew II | |
| Survey of Early Modern Europe, 1350-1815 | |
| Survey of Modern Europe Since 1815 | |
| History of the American People to 1877 | |
| History of the American People since 1877 | |
| Survey of World History to 1500 | |
| Survey of the World Since 1500 | |
| U.S. Women's History | |
| African American History | |
| Hispanic and Latino American History | |
| Ancient Greek and Roman Civilizations | |
| A History of Illinois | |
| Intro to American Cultural Studies | |
| Latin I | |
| Latin II | |
| Exploration of Music | |
| Survey of Western Music | |
| Music of World Cultures | |
| History of Jazz | |
| Primer in Philosophy | |
| Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion | |
| Introduction to Logic | |
| Elementary Spanish I | |
| Elementary Spanish II | |
| Intermediate Spanish I | |
| Intermediate Spanish II | |
| Introduction to Theater | |
Social/Behavioral Sciences (9 Hours)
Course List Code | Title | Hours |
| Principles of Macroeconomics | |
| Introduction to Cultural Anthropology | |
| Geography of North America | |
| World Geography: Culture Patterns | |
| The Developing World | |
| Introduction to Global Cultural Studies | |
| Engaging Diversity: U.S. Perspectives | |
| American Government and Politics | |
| International Relations | |
| Introduction to Comparative Politics | |
| General Psychology | |
| The Mind and the Brain | |
| Developmental Psychology: Life Span | |
| Child and Adolescent Psychology | |
| Social Psychology | |
| Introduction to Sociology | |
| Race, Ethnicity, and Racism in the U.S. | |
Physical and Life Science Requirements (7-8 hours) One class taken must include a lab.
Course List Code | Title | Hours |
| 4 |
| Elements of Earth Science (With Lab) | |
| Consumer Chemistry (With Lab) | |
| Chemistry in the World Today | |
| Health Science Applications in Chemistry | |
| Fundamentals of Chemistry (With Lab) | |
| Concepts in Life and Physical Science (With Lab) | |
| Energy and Our Environment (With Lab) | |
| Introduction to Sustainability (With Lab) | |
| Physics of Things We Use (With Lab) | |
| Biology in the World Today (With Lab) | |
| Medical Terminology | |
| Fundamentals of Microbiology (With Lab) | |
| Energy and Our Environment (With Lab) | |
| Introduction to Sustainability (With Lab) | |
Either of the Interdisciplinary Natural Science courses (NSCI-1970 Energy and Our Environment or NSCI-1981 Introduction to Sustainability) can be used as a Life Science or a Physical Science course.
Any course with a lab will fulfill the lab requirement; the lab portion doesn’t have to be part of a 3 or 4 credit course. A one credit lab by itself can fulfill the lab requirement.
Mathematics Requirement ( 3 hours) Math class must be MAT-1550 or higher
Course List Code | Title | Hours |
| 3 |
| Finite Mathematics | |
| College Algebra | |
| Pre-Calculus | |
| Statistics | |
| Discrete Mathematics | |
University Requirements (6 hours)
Course List Code | Title | Hours |
THY-2400 | Biblical Readings in Redemptive History (B) | 3 |
THY-2700 | The Christian Faith (S) | 3 |