2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Traditional Undergraduate Admission

Phone: 708-209-3100
Email: admission@CUChicago.edu
Location: 1st Floor Krauss, Room 109
Website: CUChicago.edu/admission

Traditional Undergraduate Students

The University considers candidates for admission who demonstrate the ability to successfully complete a program of study. Candidates must exhibit attitudes, values and character that will positively contribute to the University’s mission and environment.

High school seniors are encouraged to apply during the first semester of their senior year. Students are admitted for the fall or spring terms only.

Concordia-Chicago reviews applications on a rolling basis. An offer of admission that is made to an applicant before the completion of the final term carries with it the understanding that the candidate will successfully complete that term of study. The University reserves the right to withdraw the offer of admission if the final report on the candidate is unsatisfactory.

Enrollment Deposit

An enrollment deposit of $100, non-refundable after May 1, is required of all new degree-seeking undergraduate students and is applied in full to the tuition upon completion of course registration.

Admission requirements are outlined on the following pages; however, the Undergraduate Admission Committee reserves the right to request additional information or documentation to evaluate applicants for admission, e.g. supplemental references, personal interview, additional testing, etc.

Freshman Applicants

The following are RECOMMENDED guidelines to be considered for admission as a freshman applicant:

  • An official high school transcript showing a cumulative high school grade-point average of at least 2.00 (4.00 scale) for 15 units (one unit=one year) of credit in a college preparatory curriculum at a regionally accredited high school including:
  • English - 4 units
  • Mathematics - 3 units including one unit each of algebra and geometry or equivalent (totaling 3 units)
  • Science - 2 units including at least one lab science course from biology, chemistry, physics or equivalent.
  • Social Science - 2 units

A final, official high school transcript with graduation date or official written documentation showing successful completion of HiSet, TASC, or the GED with a score of at least 165 in each test subject.

Placement Examinations 

All entering students who wish to enroll in a mathematics course at Concordia University Chicago are required to take the mathematics placement exam before they will be permitted to enroll in a mathematics or physics course. Typically, this includes all incoming freshmen without Advanced Placement Calculus credit and transfer students who have not yet completed the mathematics requirements for their program. The placement exam is offered during the JumpStart Orientation Programand during the Weeks of Welcome prior to the start of classes. 

Placement examinations are normally scheduled during Weeks of Welcome for all new students. Placement tests in music theory and instrumental proficiency can be taken by contacting the appropriate department. All entering students who need to take a mathematics course to graduate are required to take the Mathematics and Computer Science Department’s placement exam before they will be permitted to enroll in a mathematics or physics course.  

This typically will be incoming freshmen without AP credit and transfer students who have not yet completed the mathematics requirements for their program. The exam is offered during Jump Start and Orientation Week. 

Transfer Applicants 

Applicants who have successfully completed 15 or more semester hours of college-level credit are considered transfer applicants. The following are recommended guidelines to be considered for admission in this category:

  • Official transcripts of all college coursework from every post-secondary institution attended (this includes non-regionally accredited institutions), regardless of credits earned.
  • A minimum cumulative college grade-point average of 2.00 (4.00 scale) for all prior college coursework and evidence of good academic standing at the last higher education institution attended.
  • An official high school transcript if the college from which credit was earned does not have full regional accreditation.

In addition to the above requirements, transfer applicants who have successfully completed fewer than 15 semester hours of college coursework must submit a final, official high school transcript with graduation date, or written documentation of successful completion of HiSet, TASC, or the GED with an overall score of at least 165 to be considered for admission.

Transfer students who leave a college under any circumstance other than good standing may be required to submit a written statement explaining their prior academic difficulty and why they expect to be academically successful at Concordia University Chicago. In addition, CUC reserves the right to arrange an interview with a designated University staff member to discuss the prior academic performance. Furthermore, the university may request permission to speak with the Dean of Students at the former institution regarding the candidate for admission.

Transfer Credit Acceptance

The University reserves the right to determine the number and type of transfer credits accepted toward the student’s degree. For information on transfer credit accepted at Concordia University, please click here.

Although a student’s cumulative college grade point-average for all prior college coursework will be used for admission purposes, only courses taken at Concordia University Chicago will be considered for the calculation of a student’s Concordia University Chicago cumulative grade-point average. Transfer coursework is accepted as credit, but does not factor into the grade-point average.

In order to keep programs and coursework relevant and current, Concordia University Chicago has implemented a "6-Year Rule," which allows a student to utilize completed prerequisite course credits towards subsequent coursework for up to six years after a course is successfully completed.  Courses falling outside of the 6-year timeframe must be repeated unless successfully appealed to the Assistant Dean of the College of Health, Science & Technology.  If the expired course no longer exists in the program’s current curriculum, the student must take the designated replacement course to satisfy the prerequisite requirement. The 6-Year Rule applies to all College of Health, Science & Technology coursework and programs of study. Transfer credits from courses taken externally are subject to the same rules based on the date the credits were posted to a student’s transcript. Courses under other Colleges (Business, Education, and Theology, Arts & Humanities) are not subject to the 6-year rule.

All final transcripts from any and all colleges attended must be submitted prior to enrollment at Concordia University Chicago to fulfill University, federal and state requirements.

Second Bachelor’s Degree Applicants

To be considered for admission for a second bachelor’s degree, the student must submit official transcripts of all college coursework from every college/university attended, regardless of credit hours earned, including designation regarding the type of degree and date conferred.

A student holding a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution may be permitted to receive a second bachelor’s degree from Concordia-Chicago provided that:

  1. All specific requirements for Concordia University Chicago’s degree are met.
  2. Coursework required for the second degree includes at least 30 hours beyond the first degree.
  3. Residency requirements be met as follows: CUC graduates—15 of the additional minimum 30 hours must be in residence and five hours must be taken within five years prior to completing graduation requirements for the second degree. Graduates of other colleges—the final 30 hours must be taken in residency and five hours must be taken within five years prior to completing graduation requirements for the second degree.
  4. Only courses acceptable toward the degree sought may be counted to meet minimum residency requirements.

All fees for a second undergraduate degree will be assessed at the undergraduate level.

All students planning a second degree must have the program approved by the Dean of the respective college per the course of study being followed.

Limited financial assistance in the form of educational loans (if eligible) is available to students pursuing a second baccalaureate degree. Students pursuing a church professional major may be eligible for a church professional grant or LCMS district grant.   

Illinois Articulation Initiative

Concordia University Chicago is a participant in the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI), a statewide agreement that allows transfer of the completed Illinois General Education Core Curriculum between participating institutions. Completion of the transferable General Education Core Curriculum at any participating college or university in Illinois assures transferring students that lower-division general education requirements for an associate or bachelor’s degree have been satisfied, excluding graduation and mission-related requirements. This agreement is in effect for students entering an associate or baccalaureate degree-granting institution as a first-time freshman in summer 1998 and thereafter. More information about the IAI is available at www.itransfer.org.

Home School Applicants

Recognizing that not all students are educated in the same way, Concordia University Chicago welcomes applicants who have been educated through home schooling. To be considered for admission, home-schooled students must present an official transcript of all work completed. They may also be asked to submit the following:

  • A course syllabus and/or bibliography of materials studied for each course
  • A statement of purpose from the director regarding the home school
  • A certificate of completion or diploma from the home school 
  • Official transcripts of any college coursework from every college/university attended regardless of credits earned

A final, official high school transcript with graduation date, or written documentation of successful completion of HiSet, TASC, or the GED with an overall score of at least 165 must be submitted prior to enrollment to fulfill University, federal and state requirements.

Home-schooled students will be expected to have completed at least the same academic course pattern required of traditionally educated students:

  • English – 4 units
  • Mathematics – 3 units including one unit each of algebra and geometry or equivalent (totaling 3 units)
  • Science - 2 units including at least one lab science course from biology, chemistry, physics, or equivalent
  • Social Science – 2 units
  • Additional college preparatory courses – a minimum of four additional units

A final, official high school transcript with graduation date, or written documentation of successful completion of the GED, HiSet or TASC, must be submitted prior to enrollment to fulfill University, federal and state requirements.

Final, official transcripts for any college-level work (if applicable) must be submitted prior to enrollment

Conditional Admission or Fresh Start

Conditional Admission: Students who do not meet the regular  admission requirements may be considered for admission to the Fall Semester only at the discretion of the Assistant Vice President of Enrollment, in collaboration with the Committee for Admission and Academic Progress. The terms of admission will be stipulated individually for each student and outlined in the admission notification letter. All conditionally admitted students must comply with the stated requirements articulated in their admission agreement. Further, conditionally admitted students will be reviewed at the end of their first semester by the Committee for Admission and Academic Progress to monitor their academic progress. More information regarding conditional admission criteria may be obtained from the Office of Undergraduate Admission.

Fresh Start Status may be awarded to students with previous college credit who have not been in attendance at any college or university for a minimum of three years, and due to their prior academic record would not meet regular admission standards. Such an applicant must submit the following to the Office of Undergraduate Admission:

  • A written statement of explanation for the prior academic difficulty and why the student expects to be successful in collegiate study at Concordia University Chicago
  • An official high school transcript complete with date of graduation, or written documentation of successful completion of the GED, HiSet or TASC. 
  • Official transcripts of all college coursework, regardless of credit hours earned
  • A written recommendation from a professor, counselor or other professional (not a friend or relative) qualified to comment on the applicant’s academic background and character
  • A written recommendation from the applicant’s current employer

Fresh Start students will be limited to a maximum course load of 12-14 credit hours per semester. Upon completion of at least 12 semester hours at CUC with a GPA of 2.25 or higher, the course load restriction will be lifted.

College coursework of transfer students admitted under the Fresh Start status will be evaluated according to the transfer student policies. Former Concordia University Chicago students who are readmitted under the Fresh Start status will receive credit for earlier coursework completed at Concordia-Chicago. These courses will not be calculated in the student’s cumulative GPA; an evaluation will also be done to determine which credits may apply toward the degree. Fresh Start students may apply for financial assistance.  

International Student Applicants

All applicants are required to meet the regular admission standards listed. In addition, the following are required of all international applicants:

  • Proof of English Proficiency: 72 (internet-based) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), 6.0 on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), 6.0 on Password Skills, 95 on Duolingo,  Michigan test score of at least 85, or successful completion of Level 112 at an ELS Language School (ELS) or certificate of Completion of Program from an English Language Institute (ELI), along with a recommendation of the program director, or King George International College (KGIC) English for Post-Secondary Education (EPE) final proficiency test scores of 75% with a passing class score of 80 will also be accepted for language proficiency.
  • If the applicant has graduated from or will graduate from a U.S. high school prior to enrollment, no additional proof of English Proficiency is necessary.
  • An international applicant who has completed at least 15 transferrable, college-level college credits from a regionally accredited U.S. college or university may be exempt from the English proficiency standards listed above. The student must transfer directly to Concordia-Chicago from that institution without taking an academic term off (other than a summer session) between the last semester of attendance at that institution and enrollment at Concordia University Chicago.
  • Certified English translations of all transcripts originally prepared in any other language. (The student will be responsible for having the English translations evaluated by a professional transcript evaluator as determined by the University if the institution is not accredited by a U.S. regional accrediting body).
  • Proof of graduation from a secondary school.
  • A certified document guaranteeing adequate financial support for at least the student’s first year of study and, barring any unforeseen circumstances, adequate funding from the same or an equally dependable source for subsequent years. This document can be submitted after an admission decision has been provided. 
  • For students transferring from a school in the United States—a transfer verification form.
  • A physical exam, adequate medical insurance and proof of immunization are required prior to enrollment.

The undergraduate admission office must receive all documents at least two months prior to the expected term of enrollment. I-20 forms will be issued only after acceptance is granted and will remain in effect only for those who continue to make satisfactory progress as full-time students in an accepted program. The program length may vary for each student.

International students must be enrolled full time every fall and spring semester (MBA students must contact their Graduate Program Specialist regarding summer enrollment compliance). Undergraduate students must take a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester to be considered full-time status. Graduate students must take a minimum of 6 credit hours per semester to be considered full-time status (at least one course must be taken the first 8 weeks and one course the second 8 weeks). Only one designated online class may be taken each semester.

International students are not allowed to drop below full-time status unless the students receive permission and a signature from a Designated School Official. Please schedule an appointment at International Student Services for more information.

Admission to Professional Programs

Admission to Concordia University Chicago does not imply admission to all its specified programs such as teacher education, Director of Christian Education, deaconess, nursing or social work. Academic programs and colleges have specific requirements, set by the state of Illinois or the University, which must be met at different semester levels. Please refer to the specific program guidelines under the program section of this catalog for clarification of individual program requirements.

Guest Student Applicants:

Apply through the Office of the Registrar as Non-Degree seeking. Click here for more information.