2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Transfer Credit

Transfer Credit

Concordia University Chicago understands the importance of being able to apply classes taken in the past to the programs currently being pursued. Unless otherwise stipulated in an MOU, the University allows up to 90 semester credits to be transferred in from other regionally accredited institutions. To find out if your classes are transferable, please read the qualifications below: 
For Undergraduate Programs: 

  • In order to keep programs and coursework relevant and current, Concordia University Chicago's College of Heath, Science & Technology has implemented a "6-Year Rule," which allows a student to utilize completed prerequisite course credits towards subsequent coursework for up to six years after a course is successfully completed.  Courses falling outside of the 6-year timeframe must be repeated unless successfully appealed to the Assistant Dean of the College of Health, Science & Technology.  If the expired course no longer exists in the program’s current curriculum, the student must take the designated replacement course to satisfy the prerequisite requirement. The 6-Year Rule applies to all College of Health, Science & Technology coursework and programs of study. Transfer credits from courses taken externally are subject to the same rules based on the date the credits were posted to a student’s transcript. Courses under other Colleges (Business, Education, and Theology, Arts & Humanities) are not subject to the 6-year rule.
  •  A grade of C or higher must be earned for the class that is to be transferred in if the class is to be accepted as a prerequisite to another course. 
  • Courses that are transferred in must be equivalent to your program’s required classes.  For example, you cannot transfer a biology course into the Sports Management program, because that program does not require any biology classes.

Any currently enrolled student wishing to earn transfer credit must first consult with the Academic Advising office regarding the transferability of courses to initiate the review process, which may require departmental input. Courses with a grade of F are not transferable. 

AP/CLEP Credit

The University normally will grant credit for above-average scores on the Advanced Placement (AP) examination of The College Board. Test scores of 3 or better in any of several subject areas will receive college credit. CUC’s code number for this test is 1140.

The University grants credit for the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP). In general, a minimum score of 50 is required to receive credit. Students wishing to transfer CLEP credit for a CUC course must consult with their Academic Advisor for CLEP/CUC course equivalencies.

International Baccalaureate Credit

Concordia University Chicago accepts individual course credit for Higher Level (HL) International Baccalaureate (IB) courses for test scores of five (5) or above. No credit will be considered for Standard Level (SL) Courses. For each course presented and accepted, transfer credit will be posted and applied to the student’s degree program where appropriate. 

Credit by Exam

Degree-seeking students may accelerate or enrich their programs by earning course credit by examination and expanding their electives. A maximum of 12 semester hours of credit may be earned by examination. Departments will designate courses for which credit may be earned by examination. After successful completion of an examination (a grade of C or better), the student may choose to receive credit (P) or credit with a grade (A, B, or C). A credit of P will count toward the 18-hour maximum Pass/Fail credit allowed in a student’s program.

Students should consult the individual departments for the most recent list of courses for which credit by examination is offered. Examinations will be arranged and administered through the department chairperson. Courses and contact persons are listed for each option. Consult Division chairs for additional courses available for credit by examination.

Courses Contact Person
Calculus I Program Chair
Fundamentals of General Chemistry Program Chair
General Chemistry I or II Program Chair
General Physics I Program Chair
Human Biology Program Chair
Intermediate Spanish I or II Program Chair
Math Concepts Ii Program Chair

Application forms for course credit by examinations are available in the Office of the Registrar. Fee: $150 to take; $150 to post on transcript.

Credit for Prior Learning

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) is experience-based learning attained outside the traditional institutions of higher learning. Undergraduate students may earn credit from sources such as portfolios, the American Council on Education (ACE) and/or other experiences towards a Concordia University Chicago (CUC) program. Students wishing to pursue CPL should contact their academic advisor to initiate the process. Approved CPL will be awarded as transfer credit and is subject to CUC’s transfer policies. When CPL is approved, a fee will be applied; please see the Fees page or contact Student Business Services at 708-209-3241 to learn more.   

Please contact the Office of the Registrar at transferequivalency@cuchicago.edu with any questions about CPL.  

Joint Services Transcript (JST) 

Joint Services Transcript (JST) documents education obtained through the United States military (Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, and Navy). Active duty, reserve, and/or veteran undergraduate students may earn credit towards a Concordia University Chicago (CUC) program. Students wishing to pursue JST credit should contact their academic advisor to initiate the process. Approved JST credit will be awarded as transfer credit and is subject to CUC’s transfer policies. When JST credit is approved, no fee will be applied.   

Please contact the Office of the Registrar at transferequivalency@cuchicago.edu with any questions about JST credit.  

Off-Campus Courses

A student with a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or better at Concordia University Chicago may take courses simultaneously at other colleges and universities in the Chicago area as part of an academic load by permission of the Registrar. Two consortium arrangements exist: one with Dominican University (7900 Division St., River Forest), another with the Associated Colleges of the Chicago Area (see course descriptions for biology and chemistry). Permission for academic overloads off-campus will be granted on the same basis as on-campus overloads.

Washington Semester Program

Concordia University Chicago is a member of the Lutheran College Washington Consortium, sponsored by a group of 13 Lutheran colleges and universities. The consortium offers a full semester of combined coursework and internship experiences designed to introduce students to the range of governmental activities in Washington, with an emphasis on ethical dimensions of public service. The core course is titled “Ethical Issues in Public Affairs.” The division chair of the program also places students in internships ranging from executive and congressional offices to various public and private agencies.

While there is no prerequisite coursework for participation in this program, students are encouraged to take POS-1100 American Government and Politics prior to enrollment in the Washington Semester. An important aspect of the program is its relevance for students with many different career goals. As the Consortium’s literature announces, “It’s not just about politics.”

Students register at Concordia University Chicago for the Washington Consortium Semester and pay the tuition and general fees to the University. Expenses for travel, meals and lodging are paid directly by the students. Total cost is comparable to a full-time semester as a resident student on the main campus. Financial aid applies as if the student were in residence and the Washington Consortium Semester courses and internships are accepted for full credit toward graduation from Concordia University Chicago. For information on the Washington Consortium Semester see the division chair for the Political Science Department.

Simultaneous Enrollment

As a member of the Concordia University System, Concordia University Chicago has the opportunity to offer its students the chance to study at one of its sister Concordia institutions around the United States. Student's need to work with the Academic Advising office for paperwork that is required. Locations include:

  • Ann Arbor, MI 
  • Austin, TX
  • Irvine, CA
  • Mequon, WI
  • Seward, NE
  • St. Paul, MN

CUC Agreements

Concordia University Chicago has a number of partnerships with area institutions to assist students in reaching their academic and career goals. Currently, an agreement exists with Rush Hospital’s Generalist Entry Master’s (GEM) in Nursing.

International Study

Concordia University Chicago students may elect to study abroad for a semester, year or summer. The Academic Advising & Study Abroad office provides information on programs at universities all over the world. Students should consult with an Academic Advisor in order to apply for international study. Students wishing to study abroad should check with specific programs for exact deadlines. 

Students who choose to enroll in courses at any institutions other than those with which Concordia University Chicago has established agreements will be required to withdraw, for the period abroad and transfer credits back to Concordia University Chicago without a grade in accordance with the policy for transfer credits. Additionally, an international transcript from a non-consortium school or approved partnership will also need to be evaluated by an approved third party credential evaluator at the cost of the student. For more information, contact the Academic Advising & Study Abroad office.

SAP-0007Study Abroad: AIFS1-24 credits
SAP-0009Study Abroad: Westfield House1-24 credits
SAP-0014International Study Abroad1-15 credits
SAP-0015Estice Study Abroad--France1-16 credits

Minor Residency (Undergraduate)

The University reserves the right to determine the number, age, and type of transfer credits and hours that will be accepted toward the student’s degree(s) and/or program(s). Residency in relation to academic programs refers to the institution of instruction; in this case, Concordia University Chicago (CUC). Please note that residency for academic programs does not refer to the student’s physical location. Therefore, residency for academic programs refers to coursework taken through CUC, regardless of modality (e.g. face-to-face, online, etc.) and does not include transfer coursework from outside of CUC. 

  • No more than 90 semester hours of transfer credit from a regionally accredited college and/or university, Advanced Placement (AP), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), International Baccalaureate (IB), Credit for Prior Learning (CPL), and/or Joint Services Transcript (JST) credit will be counted toward graduation.  
  • A minimum of 30 semester hours must be completed through Concordia University Chicago to meet degree residency requirements, regardless of modality.  
  • A minimum of 50% of the hours required in the major must also be completed in residence at Concordia University Chicago, regardless of modality.   
  • A minimum of 3 semester hours must be completed through Concordia University Chicago to meet minor residency requirements, regardless of modality.  
  • The only exceptions made to the residency rule refer to programs designated as teach-out programs by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) or students participating in a recognized articulation agreement that allows for additional hours to be transferred into Concordia University Chicago.  
  • Hours applied to multiple degree(s) and/or program(s) at Concordia University Chicago are subject to review by the Office of the Registrar.