A leave of absence is a temporary postponement of studies at the university with the intention of resuming within 180 days. A student currently enrolled at Concordia University Chicago, and who plans to return within 180 days, must request an official leave of absence. A student must submit the Leave of Absence Status Form to the respective office listed below. Only under extraordinary circumstances, as approved by the Office of the Registrar, may the leave of absence status be extended. A student on leave of absence does not need to apply for readmission to the university but must contact his/her academic advisor to resume studies. A Leave of Absence request is for institutional purposes only. Students receiving federal financial aid who have not completed more than 60% of the term, will be reviewed by the Office of Financial Aid for a Return of Title IV calculation. (Please refer to the Return of Title IV Financial Aid Policy in this catalog.) A student who is absent for more than 180 days will be administratively withdrawn from the university for non-attendance. International students requesting a leave of absence (which is different from Annual Leave) should contact the Office of International Student Services at iss@cuchicago.edu.
- Traditional Undergraduate students submit the form to the Office of the Dean of Students at DOS@CUChicago.edu
- ADP students submit the form to the Accelerated Degree Program at Accelerated@CUChicago.edu
Leave of Absence Policy for Military Educational Benefits Recipients
Leave of Absences due to deployment are handled by the Office of the Dean of Students. Students should contact the Office of the Dean of Students to discuss the best option available based on timing of deployment within the semester.