The DOSE Post-master’s endorsement program is designed for candidates who seek the Illinois DOSE endorsement to add to their existing Professional Educator License (PEL). There are three pathways:
- Pathway A: For students who already have a general administrative or principal endorsement on their Illinois PEL.
- Pathway B: For students who do not have a general administrative or principal endorsement on their existing Illinois PEL.
- Pathway C: For students who have an out-of-state PEL but not an Illinois PEL.
Coursework addresses the ISBE DOSE standards, national standards, field experiences / clinical practices, and the current ISBE DOSE content exam. Candidates will be prepared in competency and proficiency aligned with the Council for Exceptional Children Administrator of Special Education Professional Leadership Standards (2022): vision, mission, and direction-setting; legal & ethical practices for special education programs & services; management; program improvement; instructional leadership; human & fiscal management; collaboration and communication; advocacy; and responsiveness; including access to individualized general curriculum and individualized independence curriculum.
This program develops special education administrators who can design, implement, evaluate, supervise, manage, and lead programs in a variety of PreK-12+ public and private settings. Additional special education coursework may be required based on the candidate’s prior coursework.
Note: This program can lead to the Director of Special Education Endorsement requirements and is an ISBE-approved DOSE Program (PK-22) for those who are eligible, provided that the appropriate state testing standard has been met.
The goals of DOSE post-master’s endorsement program are to:
- develop the abilities for research and critical thinking in the field of special education,
- exhibit high standards of professional competence and ethical practice;
- develop competency in special education leadership, administration, specialized instruction, curricular access, accessible technology, program development, and program evaluation;
- improve understanding of the needs of families as it relates to special services;
- understand the role of collaboration and advocacy in supporting key stakeholders specific;
- expand existing special education and related service provider’s knowledge, skills, and application of leadership and advocacy relevant to special education, disability, and learning differences in PreK-12+ settings;
- teach future special education administrators/directors to establish, supervise, and oversee equitable and effective special education systems;
- analyze, synthesize, support, and lead change efforts related to teacher development in special education; and
- successfully complete at least one course in each of the following areas of special education (Per 23 Illinois Administrative Code, Part 25, Section 25.365 (b)(1)): Special Education Law, Special Education Finance, Supervision of Programs for Children with Disabilities, Cross-Categorical Special Education Methods; and demonstrate proficiencies in field experiences/clinical practice.
General Graduate Admission Requirements
All applicants must meet the general admission requirements for Concordia University Chicago graduate programs as published in the Concordia University Chicago academic catalog.
New students are accepted into most graduate degree-seeking, certificate, endorsement and/or post-graduate programs for online and on-campus study for in the fall, spring, or summer semesters. Students seeking to change programs may do so by submitting a Change-of-Program quick app. Applicants must be in good academic standing according to Concordia University Chicago’s satisfactory academic progress standards and meet published program admission requirements at the time of requesting a program change. Program changes will be processed and recorded for the subsequent semester.
DOSE Post-Master’s Endorsement Program Specific-Admission Requirements
Master’s degree in Special Education or a related field from a regionally accredited institution of higher education.
Students seeking the DOSE endorsement must provide proof of at least two years of full time experience providing special education services in:
- public schools, as a special education teacher, speech-language pathologist, school social worker, or school psychologist; or
- nonpublic schools, if the candidate holds the appropriate corresponding Illinois professional educator license endorsed in a special education teaching field or for school support personnel as a speech-language pathologist, school social worker, school psychologist, school counselor, school nurse or marriage and family therapist.
Please see specific Pathway sections for more qualifying information.
- Pathway A: For students who already have a general administrative or principal endorsement on their Illinois PEL.
- Pathway B: For students who do not have a general administrative or principal endorsement on their existing PEL.
- Pathway C: For students who have have an out-of-state PEL but not an Illinois PEL.
Non-degree Completion Requirements
- Have on file an application for this non-degree-seeking program.
- Complete, for the program being sought:
- the credit hours and levels as designated,
- within the specified time limit,
- with course grades of C- or higher,
- with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
- Students completing multiple advanced programs or degrees at CUC must have a 3.0 GPA in each academic program in addition to a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
- Have on file approved “Graduate Transfer Credit Approval” form(s), "Course Substitution" form(s), or evaluation(s), if applicable.
- Have on file the Intent to Graduate/Complete form with the Office of the Registrar by the published deadline.
- Approval of the faculty.
- All administrative obligations to CUC must be cleared in order to prompt the release of CUC transcripts.
Every attempt has been made to include information to aid the student with information about his/her program requirements. It is, however, the student’s responsibility to complete all steps and meet all deadlines relevant to completion requirements.
This program does not lead to initial Illinois licensure (PEL) but will, through direct university entitlement, lead to an additional credential on your existing PEL. The awarding of this credential will require the completion of this academic program and an existing and active PEL, and may require a passing score on the corresponding Illinois State Licensure Test(s), associated work experience, a previous master's degree, and completion of a state training academy. For specific requirements regarding this credential please refer to ISBE’s webpage or contact the Licensure Officer at
In addition to the requirements for program completion, please note these steps for Illinois DOSE endorsement licensure by entitlement:
- The courses fulfill part of the requirements for the Director of Special Education Endorsement. Candidates must also pass the ISBE Director of Special Education content area exam, and self-pay the associated fee(s). (Source: Amended at 42 Ill. Reg. 8830, effective May 21, 2018; Section 25.365 Endorsement for Director of Special Education)
- Demonstrate a proficiency score or 80% or higher (B) on internship evaluation by university supervisor and cooperating special education administrator.