General Information
Concordia University Chicago offers MAT programs with the option of non-licensure or licensure. The licensure option leads to Illinois Professional Educator Licensure (PEL). All licensure programs are subject to changing state rules and regulations to maintain compliance.
Program Design
The Master of Arts in Teaching programs are designed to accommodate adult learners who are returning to school to fulfill a dream to teach. Many classes are currently offered online, both synchronously and asynchronously. All students must meet Field Experience requirements which are embedded in coursework. Licensure candidates will complete a student teaching experience in an elementary, middle, or secondary school for a full 16-week semester.
Transfer Coursework
Transfer of graduate level education coursework from other institutions will be reviewed for acceptance by the University upon enrollment. No more than 50% of the 30-39 graduate level MAT credits may be transferred.
Content Coursework (Completed Prior to MAT Program)
Each MAT program requires 18-semester hours (undergraduate or graduate) of specific content area coursework related to the subject matter the candidate will teach. Content coursework may have been earned previously (i.e. undergraduate degree) or may be completed simultaneously with MAT coursework.
Content coursework must be completed at an accredited institution of higher education and be documented on an official transcript. Grades of “C” or higher will fulfill content coursework requirements. Academic credit is granted in semester hours. Course credit listed by other units (e.g. quarter, trimester, etc.) will be converted to equivalent to CUC semester hours.
Students pursuing licensure must earn letter grades for coursework rather than opting for pass/fail. It is acceptable that student teaching internship is graded as a Pass/Fail.
The College of Education Teacher Preparation Manual
This manual provides details and guidelines for teacher preparation programs regarding field experience, transition points, student teaching internships, and professionalism.
General Graduate Admission Requirements
All applicants must meet the general admission requirements for Concordia University Chicago graduate programs as published in the Concordia University Chicago academic catalog.
New students are accepted into most graduate degree-seeking, certificate, endorsement and/or post-graduate programs for online and on-campus study for in the fall, spring, or summer semesters. Students seeking to change programs may do so by submitting a Change-of-Program quick app. Applicants must be in good academic standing according to Concordia University Chicago’s satisfactory academic progress standards and meet published program admission requirements at the time of requesting a program change. Program changes will be processed and recorded for the subsequent semester.
Teacher Education Licensure Programs Requirements
The State of Illinois, the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), the Illinois State Educator Preparation and Licensing Board (SEPLB), and accreditors, Council for the Accreditation of Education Programs (CAEP) require teacher preparation institutions to have a continuous assessment policy in force to evaluate teacher candidates throughout their programs. The College of Education meets these requirements with formative and summative assessments of teacher candidates integrated throughout the curriculum. Teacher candidates must also earn a grade of C or higher in every course that leads to entitlement to be licensed to teach. Concordia-Chicago has established an assessment system with four transition points to meet these mandates. The Transition Points and their requirements are listed below.
Transition Point One: Acceptance to Teacher Candidacy (Licensure and Non-Licensure)
Education majors move from education major status to Teacher Candidate status at this first transition point. Teacher candidates are eligible to begin their specialized training in methods, classroom management, assessment of learning, and other professional clinicals and coursework. To become a teacher candidate, the education major must submit an application to the College of Education.
Teacher candidacy is a prerequisite for Professional Program (methods) courses in each Education Program. Each potential candidate must submit an application to the College of Education by September 15 or February 15. The admission requirements that make up a complete application include:
- Fingerprint Criminal Background Check results on file with the Office of Field Work Experience
- Minimum of 20 pre-professional hours on file in the Office of Field Experience
- Completed Dispositional Assessment of CUC Conceptual Framework complete by candidate
- Create an account on the Illinois Educator Licensure Information System (ELIS) and provided IEIN Number
- Successful completion of the Teacher Candidacy Interview (offered each fall and spring)
Following each deadline, a candidate’s completed application with all admission requirements and documents will be submitted to the Teacher Education Admission Committee (TEAC) for review. TEAC will review all applications and determine teacher candidacy. Candidates will receive a letter from the College of Education informing him or her of admitted status.
Transition Point Two: Acceptance to the Student Teaching Internship Semester (Licensure only)
The Semester of Internship is classroom teaching with a mentor cooperating teacher. Candidates must be accepted to the Internship before they are given a placement in student teaching. The Office of Field Experience publishes deadlines for applications to the internship semester.
The Teacher Education Admission Committee approves candidates for acceptance to the Student Teaching Internship.
To be considered for admission to the student teaching internship, the candidate must:
- Submit the completed Application to the Student Teaching Internship and supporting documentation to the Office of Field Experience on or before the deadline date.
- Pass the appropriate Content Area Test for your program from the State of Illinois Testing System (
- Complete a minimum of 80 hours of the required 100 hours of Field and Clinical Experiences and submit field experience documents to the Office of Field Experience for approval. The entire 100 hours must be completed prior to beginning the internship.
- Earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
- Complete all Content and Methods course(s) in the program of study with a grade of C or higher.
- Have earned a grade of C or higher in all coursework applied to their professional program requirements.
- Meet requirements of a valid Fingerprint Criminal Background Check to the Office of Field Experience.
- Complete First Aid/CPR Certification training and submit documentation of completion to the Office of Field Experience.
Transition Point Three: Completion of the Student Teaching Internship Semester (Licensure only)
Successful completion of the internship requires:
- Satisfactory completion of the Internship by meeting or exceeding all required benchmarks.
- Prepare and present documentation of positive impacts on student learning from your internship teaching (PIP).
- Complete all state-required assessments enforced at the time of the internship.
- Receive a passing score on the state-mandated edTPA assessment of teacher performance.
- The College of Education Student Manual provides details and guidelines for the meeting the criteria for successful completion of the Internship Semester.
Transition Point Four: Completion of Program (Licensure only)
Successful completion of program requirements and teaching internship.
Graduation Requirements
- Have on file an application for this master's degree program.
- Have on file one official transcript from EACH college/university attended of all previous coursework taken.
- Complete, for the degree being sought:
- the credit hours and levels as designated,
- within the specified time limit,
- with grades of C- or higher (grades of C or higher required for MAT programs),
- with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
- Students completing multiple advanced programs or degrees at CUC must have a 3.0 GPA in each academic program in addition to a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
- Have on file approved “Graduate Transfer Credit Approval” form(s), "Course Substitution" form(s), or evaluation(s), if applicable.
- Have on file the Intent to Graduate/Complete form with the Office of the Registrar by the published deadline.
- Have on file, if applicable, necessary copies of a project, portfolio, thesis or dissertation.
- Approval of the faculty.
- All administrative obligations to CUC must be cleared in order to prompt the release of CUC transcripts and diploma(s).
Every attempt has been made to include information to aid the student with information about his/her program, degree and graduation/completion requirements. It is, however, the student’s responsibility to complete all steps and meet all deadlines relevant to graduation requirements.
Additional notes for licensure:
This program leads to initial Illinois licensure (PEL) with direct University entitlement. The awarding of initial Illinois teaching licensure requires the completion of your academic program (including all required content area coursework) and a passing score on the corresponding Illinois State Licensure Test(s). For the specific information and test requirements for licensure you are seeking, please refer to ISBE’s webpage or contact the Licensure Officer at