Alumni Association
Phone: 888-258-6773 or 708-488-4373
Location: CUC Foundation – First Floor, Krentz Center
Concordia University Chicago’s Alumni Association was established by the Class of 1914 to encourage alumni connections as well as to support the school’s ministry. More than 100 years later our alumni program continues this mission of its more than 43,000 graduates. Together, We are Stronger!
Every individual that has attended Concordia University Chicago is considered a member of the Alumni Association. The Office of Alumni Relations in partnership with the Alumni Association Board of Directors and its volunteers serve current and former students through programs and benefits that communicate, collaborate and celebrate.
Communicate: University Mission & Vision - We are each part of the CUC story with all generations of alumni. Students want to know about the success of those before. Graduates want to hear about current Cougars. We continually share these connections in person, in print and online.
Collaborate: Service & Giving Opportunities - Members of CUC’s Alumni Association share their time, talents and treasures to grow our alma mater. Students benefit through these contributions of service and gifts. A growing calendar of events and opportunities enable students to directly connect with graduates to strengthen their personal and professional networks.
Celebrate: On Campus & Beyond - Commencement Weekend is our biggest celebration of the year! But, the opportunities do not end at graduation. Each year thousands of Cougars gather on campus and across the country to celebrate the world that opened at Concordia University Chicago. We look forward to celebrating with you, too!
To get involved contact the Office of Alumni Relations at 888-258-6773 or for more information.
Phone: 708-209-3173
Location: Koehneke Community Center, Lower Level
The campus bookstore is located on the lower level of the Koehneke Community Center (KCC). All course textbooks are available, as well as school supplies, gift items and clothing carrying University emblems.
Career Services
Phone: 708-209-3033
Location: Kreft Student Success Center
The Career Services Office is not just about finding a job after college. Rather, it is about developing skills that are essential in managing a career at any point throughout the career development continuum. The goal is to assist students and alumni in every aspect of career exploration and goal fulfillment.
Career Services staff is available to meet with students to develop their job search strategies and assist in targeting employers utilizing a variety of online resources. CUC’s affiliation with employers, as well as a consortium called the Career College Consortium of Illinois (CCCIllinois) has resulted in a broad range of opportunities for students and alumni. The Concordia Career Services website and the Concordia Connect (portal) link students to resources for résumé writing, job and internship searches, and announce career-related events such as job fairs and workshops.
All students are encouraged to meet with a Career Services staff member. Career Services provides access to a variety of resources with information on occupations, projections and preparation. This will help prepare students to assess themselves successfully, research options, and use effective tools in their job search. Services include career information, resources, individual counseling, group workshops, job search strategies, résumé writing, video resumés and interview skills.
Counseling Center
Phone: 708-209-3229
Location: Kreft Student Success Center 130
Hours: Monday and Tuesday 9am-1pm, Thursday 12-pm-5pm
The Counseling Center is staffed by licensed clinical counselors and is available to the entire campus community for personal consultation. In some cases students also may be referred to local services for additional support.
CULearn Academic Resources
- Academic Support -
Phone: 708-209-3462
Location: CULearn, Christopher Center 248
Students needing accommodations who choose to disclose a disability should contact Academic Support, located in CULearn CC248, for information concerning accommodations in the classroom. Students must submit an application to Application for ADA Accommodations, provide a diagnosis and documentation of testing by a licensed professional, and meet with Academic Support before a letter of accommodations can be issued. Students may contact Academic Support with further questions concerning the application procedures.
- The Writing Center -
Phone: 708-209-3462
Location: CULearn, Christopher Center 248
Develop your Masters and Doctoral-level writing skills with graduate writing specialists who focus on scholarly writing. Located in CULearn’s Writing Center in CC248J, graduate writing tutors offer support at any stage of the writing process from creating outlines to providing suggestions on written drafts. Students can also email their papers to Papers will be forwarded to a tutor, who will offer suggestions and then email back to the student. The Writing Center staff will direct students needing research support to work with a university librarian.
Health Services
Location: Kreft Student Success Center 133
Student Health Services is dedicated to the good health of Concordia-Chicago students. Concordia University Chicago is committed to making sure that students find quality health and wellness care. Concordia-Chicago attempts to limit the impact of injury or illness by the provision of services for early intervention. Concordia University Chicago offers convenient health care health services on the Concordia-Chicago campus.
Concordia University Chicago is committed to making sure students find quality health and wellness care. Concordia University Chicago attempts to limit the impact of injury or illness by the provision of services for early intervention.
The clinic’s hours are announced at the beginning of the school year.
The clinic provides services/treatments for these and other minor medical issues:
Common Colds and Illnesses
Ear Infections
Eye Irritations
Insect/Tick Bites
Minor Burns
Minor Cuts
Nasal Congestion
Sinus Infections
Skin Conditions
Sore Throat
Staple/Suture Removal
There are several physicians in the area and three walk-in clinics within walking distance of campus for students. For the list of clinics please visit:
Honor Code
Phone: 708-488-4112
Location: Kreft Student Success Center 105
The Faculty Senate at Concordia University Chicago moved to adopt an honor code at this institution to provide a uniform and functioning procedure for dealing with cheating, plagiarism and other types of academic dishonesty.
Faculty turned to the mission statement for guidance and to explain why an honor code made sense for this University. It would be more than setting rules and expecting everyone to follow them; rather, in developing the whole person, each individual and the people as a whole reflect upon and care about their own personal moral and ethical behavior, something fundamental to the workings of an honor code.
Indeed, the development of the entire student as an ethical and moral citizen of the world includes the notion of academic integrity and personal responsibility. An honor code articulates concretely the level of honor and integrity expected of all scholars. It instills such personal guidelines in every member of the community. It supports the development of a Christian community in which people come together for a variety of reasons, but ultimately share responsibility for their fates.
Occasionally individuals violate this trust and integrity. Any act of academic dishonesty is a serious offense in a university community. It takes unfair advantage of other students—who work within the expectations of the Honor Code—and of their instructors—who trust their work. Any violation of the Honor Code is, therefore, taken seriously as a breach of honor with the entire community and not a private matter between student and instructor.
In short, Concordia University Chicago implemented an honor code starting fall semester 2006 to emphasize further the importance of moral and ethical decision-making in every aspect of a person’s life. All students enrolling at Concordia University Chicago are required to sign the honor code pledge:
“As a student of Concordia University Chicago and a member of the larger society, I pledge to uphold an academic honor code that supports serving and leading with strong personal integrity. Specifically this includes not cheating or using inappropriate or dishonest means to complete anything I do for a grade, program, or graduation requirement. This also includes giving unauthorized assistance to, or participating in inappropriate collaboration with others. I understand that this is a privilege and it is my responsibility to uphold actively this honor system. Furthermore, this pledge signifies that I will treat others with utmost respect within the classroom and on campus as I expect others to treat me.”
The Honor Code pledge, categories of unauthorized aid, judicial protocol, violation consequences and appeal procedure are available at
Immunization Policy
Illinois State Law and CUC policy require all Concordia students who are taking face-to-face classes to provide proof of immunizations through the Med Proctor prior to their first class.
Required Immunizations
- Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR): two vaccinations after your first birthday (not required if you were born before January 1, 1957).
- Meningitis: one vaccination after your 16th birthday (for students 22 years and younger).
- Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis (TDAP): at least 3 doses of diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis containing vaccine are required. One dose must be TDAP (tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis) within the past 10 years.
- TB Testing: required for international students ONLY within the last 12 months. Must upload chest x-ray if TB Skin test is failed.
Please be aware of these requirements and consult with your physician about any additional immunizations that are required you may require.
Students not in compliance with Illinois immunization law 30 days after the first day of classes will have a $75 non-compliance charge assessed to their student account each semester.
Information Technology Services
Phone: 708-209-3131 or 877-796-0003
Location: Klinck Memorial Library, Second Floor
Wi-Fi Info:
Information Technology Services (ITS) provides and supports the campus data network. ITS provides network services on the campus for computing devices by managing a high-speed network in all residence halls, classrooms, offices, libraries and other campus buildings. Wireless connectivity is also available in all dorms and classrooms and in many public buildings around campus for students to access the network using laptop computers and mobile devices. A high-speed, dedicated Internet link provides the campus network with full access to the Internet.
ITS provides and supports a full range of server resources including usernames/passwords, email and print queue management. ITS also maintains email lists for sending messages to various campus populations. ITS can serve as a resource for students who wish to purchase their own computer, laptop or software. ITS also operates the CougarNet Help Desk, which provides technical assistance to campus technology users.
- Administrative Information System Services -
Administrative Information Systems (AIS) supports and coordinates Concordia-Chicago’s administrative software package (Ellucian Banner). Banner provides students and faculty with secure Web access to administrative data. Students have access to course schedules, personal class schedules, accounts, financial aid awards, grade reports and transcripts.
- Blackboard -
Blackboard is the Learning Management System (LMS) for virtual online course rooms for all courses. Blackboard provides a convenient interface for downloading course content and syllabi, submitting assignments, interacting, and checking grades.
The Blackboard Course Site and Content Retention Policy established guidelines for how long courses are stored on CUC’s Blackboard server. Courses are removed from the system after 4 years.
- Computer Labs -
ITS also supports four well-equipped, general-use computer labs for student use. One lab is open seven days a week, 24 hours a day.
Computers are updated frequently and provide students with access to the latest computer hardware and applications. There is also a dedicated music computer lab for class use. Workstations are available in the library, as well as in select locations across campus.
- Concordia Connect Portal -
Managed by AIS, the Concordia Connect web portal - accessible at - is a secure and personalized website designed to provide individuals with a single location to access many of the online resources commonly used at CUC. The portal offers direct links into Banner Self-Service for common tasks such as registering for classes; viewing your grades; requesting a transcript; viewing your bills and making online payments. Other services accessible through the portal include Degree Works, CUC Student Email, Blackboard, and much more.
- CougarNet Help Desk -
The CougarNet Help Desk provides information and technology services for Concordia-Chicago students, faculty and staff. Services include computer support services, audiovisual resources and setup, assistance with Concordia Connect (Concordia-Chicago’s online portal), and CUC’s administrative software. Contact them at:
- Print Services -
Print Services provides and supports campus printing devices, including centrally located high-speed printers, copy machines, folding machines, as well as distributed laser printers/copiers throughout the campus.
Each student is allotted a print balance for printing/copying on campus. The print balance is reset to $20 every August. Additional funds may be added to a student print balance at the CougarNet Help Desk. There will be no refunds.
To send print jobs to the printer or view the current print balance, visit To retrieve print jobs or make copies, scan your CUC ID at the printer to log in. If your CUC ID does not have a photo, it will not work with the printers. Please visit the CougarNet Helpdesk to get an upgraded ID.
Library Services
Phone: 708-209-3050
Location: Klinck Memorial Library
The Klinck Memorial Library collaborates with the Concordia community to provide exceptional service and meaningful research. The Concordia community has access to an evolving library collection, in addition to academic, public, and special library resources throughout the country. The library exemplifies the vision of Concordia University Chicago and aspires to be the destination library for all who seek to develop their full potential through a distinctive, innovative, and dynamic environment of exploration, creativity, and discovery. The Klinck Memorial Library is a growing organism where students have access to millions of digital resources including ebooks, databases, and streaming videos anywhere on and off campus.
The library has three floors of quiet research spaces for individual and group work, in addition to thousands of books, DVDs, and journals. The upper level of the library includes: a group study lounge area, private study carrels, the Center for Church Music and CougarNet. The main floor includes the circulation desk, reference support, the Trailblazer Library Center with curated materials for first-generation students, study table check-in station for athletes, and the Lib Café. The lower level of the library includes the University Archives, private study carrels, several group study rooms, and the Cougar Cavern, a space for student clubs to meet anytime the library is open. There are dozens of computer stations throughout the library with Wi-Fi and printing availability.
The Klinck Memorial Library homepage allows students to access to millions of online resources using their Concordia Connect login. The library homepage provides hyperlinks to the library’s resources and allows CUC users to utilize the catalog. Shortcuts to the library’s homepage and popular resources are located within Concordia Connect in two areas: under Quick Links on the Home tab and within the library box on the Resources tab. The library is a member of I-Share, a consortium of numerous Illinois colleges and universities. I-Share provides library members with an online catalog of their own collection and allows CUC users to borrow materials from other I-Share libraries. The library is also a member of other powerful Illinois-based consortiums: RAILS, LIBRAS, and CARLI.
In addition to providing research workshops offered every semester for students and personalized one-on-one research appointments, the library team is proactive in supporting the curriculum with live instruction sessions for research-based online and in-person classes. Furthermore, the library updates the eTextbook Initiative every semester, where the library purchases as many unlimited user ebooks as fiscally possible for required textbooks to decrease student college costs and increase student retention and satisfaction scores for undergraduate and graduate students.
Requesting articles, books, and other materials through interlibrary loan is a service provided free of charge (except in unusual circumstances) to all CUC users. Interlibrary loan request forms are embedded in the library catalog and in the EBSCOhost interface. An additional request form is available on the homepage: Interlibrary Loan Request Form. Digital copies of articles and book chapters are usually received in three or four business days. Physical items, such as books, may take longer. Books requested from other I-Share libraries can be picked up on campus or mailed to students who reside in the United States. The Cougar Card is required to borrow materials from the library in-person.
For questions or research appointments: email the library team, or download Navigate (and select Library) to schedule a Teams appointment, or call (708) 209-3050. Wireless internet, printing, and Microsoft Office Suite products are available throughout the library. Contact CougarNet at (708) 209-3131, submit a ticket, or visit the Help Desk on the second floor of the library to resolve connection or program issues.
Residence Life
Phone: 708-209-3505
Location: Kreft Student Success Center
Graduate students must be registered for at least six semester hours during the regular academic year, or for one three-hour course each summer session to be eligible for residence hall living.
Students living in residence halls will be supplied with a desk and chair, lamp, dresser, bed, and mattress. Students are expected to provide their own blankets, pillow, bedspread and linens.
A single room may be assigned upon request, if space is available, at an additional charge. Contact the Director of Residence Life and Housing for details. Special arrangements may be available for married couples. During the regular academic year, preference for on‐campus housing will be given to full‐ time undergraduate students.
- Campus Housing -
The Department of Residence Life at Concordia University Chicago is dedicated to housing those students who need it. Due to the potential for limitations in residential space, priorities for these spaces are on a first‐come first‐served basis. While a majority of the students who live in the residence halls are undergraduate level, graduate-level students are able to reside in these same spaces, provided capacity has not been reached.
Rates are based on a double occupancy room. Should single rooms become available, a student may request this option for an additional fee. The cost of a single room is an additional $650. These are only granted if space is available.
Any student wishing to change status during his or her agreed‐upon occupancy will need to gain approval of the Dean of Students. Any student canceling a housing contract and approved by the Director of Residence Life and Housing to move off campus will be assessed a $500 cancellation penalty for breaking the agreed‐upon contract. The cancellation penalty will be assessed to students regardless of the time of the year they withdraw and will be deducted automatically from any room and board refund they might be receiving, or, after the eight-week point in the semester, when no refund is available, will be added as a penalty charge. Payments for room and board are made each semester, and as such, the reimbursements only apply to payments already made. If a change of status is granted, the reimbursements occur to the following timeline:
- Full Reimbursement: As established by the housing agreement, any student who withdraws a housing application prior to occupancy, or by the end of the first week of classes for either semester, is eligible for full reimbursement of paid charges, minus the $500 cancellation fee. If any meals or Cougar Cash were used, then a student would be charged for that usage accordingly.
- Fifty Percent Reimbursement: As established by the housing agreement, any student who withdraws from housing after the first week of classes, but prior to the end of the eight-week mark of the semester, is eligible for a 50 percent reimbursement of room and board charges for the semester, minus the $500 cancellation fee.
- No Reimbursement: As established by the housing agreement, any student who withdraws from housing after the eight-week mark of the semester (the exception being for hardship situations approved by the Dean of Students) will receive no reimbursement of room or board charges for the semester and will be charged a $500 cancellation fee.
- Housing Prepayment -
A prepayment is required to be made by all students applying to live in a room in one of the University residence halls for either fall, spring or both semesters. One prepayment will cover the entire year, if applying for the academic year. The amount for the prepayment is $200. This prepayment is applied toward the balance of the room and board fees. Students wishing to reside in one of the residence halls beginning for the fall semester, the prepayment should be made by July 1. For those who wish to begin their residence during the spring semester, then it should be made by November 1.
Refund of the housing prepayment can be only made if the Director of Residence Life and Housing is notified in writing of the room cancellation prior to July 1 of the year of enrollment or re-enrollment, or November 1 if entering in the spring semester. The refund of the prepayment does not negate any penalties of the cancellation of the housing contract.
Title IX
Phone: 708-488-4112
Location: Kreft Student Success Center 105
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination on the basis of sex in federally funded education programs and activities, including but not limited to athletic programs that receive federal funding. Title IX States: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” (20 U.S.C. Sec. 1681). Under Title IX, discrimination on the basis of sex includes sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking and sexual violence. Please see more about Concordia's policy here.