2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Education Specialist (Ed.S.) Degree Programs

The Ed.S. degree is an education specialist degree program of advanced study for those individuals who have already completed a master’s degree in an education-related area. No dissertation is required. For those switching from a COE EdD/PhD program the Ed.S. in Leadership is considered to be a terminal degree.

Education Specialist (Ed.S.) in District (licensure)

Education Specialist (Ed.S.) in Leadership (non-licensure)

Transfer of Credit

Graduate work beyond the master’s degree satisfactorily completed at a Concordia University System institution may be transferred toward meeting the requirements of the Ed.S. to the extent that they satisfy specific course and/or experience requirements.

Post-master’s work at other regionally accredited institution(s) may be accepted toward the Ed.S. upon approval of the student’s advisor, division chair and dean of the college.  

Graduate courses transferred must have a grade of B or higher and must have been earned no more than eight years prior to admission to the Ed.S. program. Transfer credit with a grade of P (Pass) will not be accepted. To satisfy the residency requirement, transfer credit may not exceed 50% of the credit required for the degree.