VESI-6000: Advanced Classroom Management: Children as Changing Agents (2 hours)
VESI-6005: Drugs and Alcohol in Schools: Substance Abuse (2 hours)
VESI-6010: Educational Assessment: Assessing Student Learning (2 hours)
VESI-6015: Harassment, Bullying and Cyber-Intimidation in Schools (2 hours)
VESI-6020: Violence in Schools: Strategies (2 hours)
VESI-6025: Early Childhood: Family-Centered Service (2 hours)
VESI-6030: Early Childhood: Infant/Toddler Mental Health (2 hours)
VESI-6035: Early Childhood: Program Planning (3 hours)
VESI-6040: Early Childhood: Typical & Atypical Development (3 hours)
VESI-6045: Reading Fundamentals #1: An Introducation to Scientifically-based Research (2 hours)
VESI-6050: Reading Fundamentals #2: Laying the Foundation for Effective Reading Instruction (2 hours)
VESI-6055: Reading & Writing in the Content Area (2 hours)
VESI-6060: Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Information & Interventions for Effective Teaching (2 hours)
VESI-6065: Autism & Asperger's Disorder: Information & Effective Intervention Strategies (2 hours)
VESI-6070: Behavior is Language: Strategies for Managing Disruptive Behavior (3 hours)
VESI-6075: Learning Disabilities: Practical Information for the Classroom Teacher (3 hours)
VESI-6080: Traumatized Child: The Effects of Stress, Trauma, & Violence on Student Learning (2 hours)
VESI-6085: Teaching Diversity: Influences & Issues in the Classroom (2 hours)
VESI-6090: Teaching Elementary Math Conceptually: A New Paradigm (2 hours)
VESI-6095: Try DI! Planning & Preparing a Differentiated Instruction Program (3 hours)
VESI-6100: Understanding Aggression: Coping with Aggressive Behavior in the Classroom (3 hours)
VESI-6105: Why DI? An Introduction to Differentiated Instruction (3 hours)
VESI-6110: Child Abuse (2 hours)
VESI-6115: Early Childhood: Observation & Assessment (3 hours)
VESI-6120: Inclusion (2 hours)
VESI-6125: Reading Fundamentals #3 (3 hours)
VESI-6130: Response to Intervention (3 hours)
VESI-6135: Six Traits of Writing Model (2 hours)
VESI-6140: Teaching Secondary Math Conceptually (3 hours)
VESI-6145: Understanding & Implementing Common Core Standards (3 hours)