RES-6600: Research in Education (3 hours)
The focus of this course is on the understanding of educational research. Emphasis will be on the interpretation of research and the development of basic research skills for school improvement.
RES-6620: Introduction to Research (3 hours)
This course examines foundation-level principles and processes of social and behavioral research as applied across disciplines. This course is designed to enable students to acquire both a basic understanding and skills in general research methods. Specifically, the course prepares students to be critical consumers of research and to be active participants in the generation and implementation of research knowledge.
RES-6950: Independent Study in Research (1-6 hours)
RES-7600: Survey Research (3 hours)
This course introduces students to survey and instrument development including issues related to operationalizing variables, construction, sampling, coding, analysis, and evaluating the reliability and validity of survey research methods.
RES-7605: Quantitative Analysis (3 hours)
An introduction to the quantitative analysis of data; including data coding and entry of data. SPSS will be used to explore descriptive and inferential statistics: using both non‐parametric and initial parametric techniques.
RES-7620: Advanced Topics in Statistics (3 hours)
An introduction to advanced statistical concepts including multivariate analysis, linear models, hierarchical linear models, factor analysis and data management will be covered in this course. Students will use published software packages and will learn to write basic syntax for custom analysis. Prerequisite: B or higher in RES-7605.
RES-7700: Qualitative Research (3 hours)
An examination of qualitative research approaches with a focus on research design, the role of the researcher, data collection and analysis, and writing from a qualitative perspective.
RES-7710: Advanced Qualitative Analysis (3 hours)
This course provides advanced introductions to a representative range of qualitative methods. It is designed to familiarize doctoral and advanced master’s students with the commonly used qualitative research methods. The course will prepare them to further understand philosophies and concepts of qualitative methods, to utilize these methods in their own research, or to evaluate the qualitative work that others have done. This course also teaches how to use qualitative software as an analytic tool to analyze qualitative data. Prerequisite: B or higher in RES-7700.
RES-7800: Mixed Methods Research (3 hours)
This course explores the theory and practice of mixed methods research in applied research and program evaluation. Students will examine the epistemological and methodological issues involved in conducting mixed methods research studies, learn to formulate appropriate research questions, consider and apply various mixed methods designs, and reflect on methods of integration for collecting and analyzing qualitative and quantitative data in a single study. Prerequisite: B or higher in RES-7605 and RES-7700.
RES-7820: Program Evaluation (3 hours)
This course will prepare students with knowledge of national program evaluation standards, an understanding of major conceptual approaches for designing educational program evaluation activities, developing and implementing useful and valid educational evaluation design procedures, and reporting educational program evaluation results.
RES-7900: Research Design (4 hours)
Principles of research theory, methods, inquiry, problem formulation, data collection, literature searches and ethical considerations. Emphasis on how to design a doctoral-level research study.
RES-7910: Research Design I (3 hours)
First course in Research Design series. Principles of research theory, paradigmatic fit, problem formulation, and literature review development.
RES-7920: Research Design II (3 hours)
Second course in Research Design series. Principles of research design, epistemological claim, and methodology/methods, including data collection and analysis.