2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Online Teaching: ECE to Secondary (OTES)

OTES-6100: Introduction to PK-12 Online Education (3 hours)

This course provides an overview of historical, current and emerging trends in online education in the PK-12 environment. Specific models are discussed such as blended, online and web-enhanced education emphasizing synchronous, asynchronous and web-enhanced instruction. Ethical, legal and safety issues of the online environment are also discussed.

OTES-6200: Apps and Productivity Tools for Educators (3 hours)

Apps and Productivity Tool for Educators fosters a recognition of a broad range and function of educational apps and productivity tools. Students will develop skills in the use of apps and productivity tools in an educational setting, demonstrate the use of apps and productivity tools in an educational setting, critique apps and productivity tool(s) ability to address a specific educational need(s), and evaluate open and commercial apps and productivity tools as feasible educational solutions.

OTES-6400: Learning Theories and Online Instructional Strategies (3 hours)

The pedagogy of online teaching and learning will be the focus of this course. Through an understanding of the relationship of learning theory to instruction, students will examine successful research‐based instructional strategies used in the online environment. Interaction among students and the teacher in an online course will be emphasized.

OTES-6500: Instructional Design for Digital Learning (3 hours)

This course provides an overview of instructional design processes, methodologies and professional standards that guide the development of online instruction. Accessibility concerns in online education will also be discussed.

OTES-6700: Assessment and Student Success in an Online Environment (3 hours)

The effective use of assessment data is central to effective instruction and learner success. This course reviews the role of assessment, the development of assessment strategy, valid and reliable online assessments, and the analysis of assessment data to inform instruction.