2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Innovation & Entrepreneurship (MIE)

MIE-6001: Creative Thinking and Practice (3 hours)

Students will explore ways to develop creative talent in themselves, individuals, teams, and at the organizational level and how to develop skills in building work environments that support creative and divergent thinking. Students will use creativity diagnostics. Students will explore case studies, storytelling, global and industry trends, as well as the research on creative thinking. Emphasis is placed on understanding how the concept of creativity has evolved overtime and its influence on the digital workplace.

MIE-6002: Leading Innovation in the Digital Age (3 hours)

This course sharpens students’ innovation, design thinking, and leadership skills including how to lead innovative projects. Students will examine leadership theories and styles that foster innovation, learning how, when, and why to take risks and to reward risk and failure as well as success in others. Focus is on how leading and encouraging innovative thinking and innovation helps create a high impact culture that accelerates growth by developing a diverse, technically adept, and global minded workforce for the digital age.

MIE-6003: Entrepreneurship for the Global Society (3 hours)

Students will study entrepreneurship as a global societal and business phenomenon and gain perspective regarding why and how entrepreneurs start new ventures or pursue innovation, how they are funded, managed, and led in a global context. Students will analyze existing industries and global markets for gaps and opportunities, learning how to evaluate the opportunities, as well as how to manage and lead projects across national and cultural borders through the creation and implementation process as applied to project management.

MIE-6004: Financial Accounting for the Entrepreneurial Firm (3 hours)

Students, whether self-employed or working for an entrepreneurial firm, should be able to understand financial information so they can interact with accountants, CFOs, controllers, and financial managers, read and interpret financial statements for business diagnostics. Cross-Listed: MBAC-6300 for dual degree (MBA) seeking students.

MIE-6950: Independent Study in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (1-6 hours)

MIE-6990: Capstone (3 hours)

The capstone is the convergence of creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship, and leadership study and is designed to help students synthesize and apply learning from this program in a real-world entrepreneurial or innovation-related experience. The outcome of this course could be the launching of a new product or new business venture, and also provide marketable experience to prospective employers or investors.