2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Management (MGT)

MGT-6110: Competitive Strategy (3 hours)

MGT-6200: Global Management and Organizational Behavior (3 hours)

Examine interpersonal behavior related to organizational performance. Behavioral science motivation, social perception, group decision making, ethical leadership and multicultural behavior.

MGT-6300: Corporate Finance (3 hours)

Develop a framework for analyzing a firm’s investment and financing decisions. Topics covered include discounted cash flow, capital budgeting techniques, portfolio analysis and the Capital Asset Pricing Model, security market efficiency, corporate financing and optimal capital structure; familiarity with accounting and statistical tools will be helpful.

MGT-6520: Managers & Legal Environment (3 hours)

MGT-6530: Introduction to Not‐for‐Profit Organizations (3 hours)

Not‐for‐profit organizations and the environment they operate in. A profile of the industry and an introduction to a not‐for‐profit’s organizational purpose, governance and funding structures. Emphasis on ethics and social‐economic issues and the difficult task of transforming an organization’s purpose into action. A service learning project will incorporate theories into real‐world applications. Cross-Listed: GME-6310.

MGT-6540: Topics: Board Governance and Management of Volunteers (3 hours)

MGT-6600: Seminar in Descriptive Statistics (1 hour)

MGT-6990: Cases in Financial Analysis (3 hours)