2025-2026 Academic Catalog

MBA Not-for Profit (MBAN)

MBAN-6600: Introduction to Not-for-Profit Organizations (3 hours)

Not-for-profit organizations and the environment they operate in. A profile of the industry and an introduction to a not-for-profit’s organizational purpose, governance and funding structures. Emphasis on ethics and social-economic issues and the difficult task of transforming an organization’s purpose into action. A service learning project will incorporate theories into real-world applications.

MBAN-6605: Financial Management of Not-for-Profit Organizations (3 hours)

Financial accountability and internal controls. Accounting for basic transactions and events and generation of financial statements. Analysis of financial statements to understand the financial health of an organization. Financial management tools for decision-making such as operational forecasts, budgets and incremental analysis. Cross-Listed: MBAA-6320.

MBAN-6610: Topics in Board Governance and Management of Volunteers (3 hours)

Importance of volunteers to a not-for-profit enterprise or church. Recruiting and motivation of volunteers. Proper role of the board of directors. Leadership issues and topics. Study best practices in industry, identify industry weaknesses and recommend process improvements. Prerequisite: B or higher in MBAC-6300.

MBAN-6615: Fund Development and Management (3 hours)

Development of current and long‐range strategic plans. Research and development of actual grant application. Presentation and communication of strategic plan and grant application. Exploration of partnerships and social networks to further an organization’s mission. Sources of funding beyond grants, project management and discussions of industry best practices. Replaces: MGT-6500. Prerequisite: B or higher in MBAC-6300.