MAT-6200: Topics in Statistics (3 hours)
Introduction to basic statistical concepts including frequency distributions, central tendency, variations, normal curve, correlations and regression with applications to statistical inference and use in decision-making in education. Prerequisite: B or higher in MAT-1805 or equivalent. Fee: Required.
MAT-6220: Topics in the History of Mathematics (3 hours)
Major trends in mathematics from earliest times to the 17th century, with a focus on the outstanding contributions and applications to the classroom. Prerequisite: B or higher in MAT-1805 or equivalent. Fee: Required.
MAT-6370: Topics in College Geometry (3 hours)
An introduction to the development of Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries and their axiomatizations with applications to the classroom. Prerequisite: B or higher in MAT-1820. Fee: Required.
MAT-6950: Independent Study in Mathematics (1-6 hours)